ATIS audio/text (French) broken since 2 releases. Am I the only one?

As we all know, the ATIS audio message is English spoken while the text message scrolling in the ATC window is the localized translation. It worked well since 2020/09 but not anymore.
Instead of speakind ‘winds’, the audio file speaks ‘vents’ - french for winds - with an english accent , the audio stops and keeps looping to the beginning, the text rolls back so I never get the altimeter pressure indication.
Not really an issue, but quite annoying. Metar doesn’t cover every small airfields, and connecting to the local ATIS is an old habit of mine when starting a flight.

Moved to User Support Hub ATC, Traffic & NAVAIDs that is more appropriate for support and getting additional feedback.

I did a test and cannot reproduce. Setup MSFS in French, was able to hear the full ATIS voice message in english and see the full ATIS text message in french. So if there was an issue looks like it has been fixed.

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