Atr 42/72 update

Is an update planned for the ATR 42/72 in the near future?


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Any particular reason anyone would want an update?

How about explaining the issue you are having that would require an update.

I’m not saying there aren’t any issues, but this is a pretty open ended question with no real reason to answer it.


As you probably know, there was a second update, but it was withdrawn because it was faulty.
For example, it improved the climbing performance, but also had the error that the course button no longer worked.
So the question now is, will a corrected update come out in the future or not?

Thanks for clarifying. Your first post was quite mystifying.

Yes, they said it will be released at a later date. In one of the news items they addressed the faulty update. You can go find that to see exactly what they said. I forget.

I guess it will be released in the SU13.