ATR-42 Engines wont start cold and dark

I also never had this bug, engines alway start fine. Even on turnarounds Series X.

Same here. Never had a problem starting engines.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

When the external power is used, per checklist programming of the MCDU should happen before starting the engines. If that programming takes too long (10-15 minutes), the engines don’t start.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

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I have the same problem if I don’t systematically use hotel mode, in other words external ground power is not taken into account when starting engines. In order not to have a problem starting engines, I have to put the aircraft in hotel mode the moment the information panels become available and before any MCDU programming or any other checklist items.

I have this problem if I shut down the engines. Once shut down, they won’t start again until I reload the flight.

Just had that myself today, wanted to do to flights, landed and doing turn around state and nope, engines won’t restart

I believe you have to enable ground power before fuel shutoff.

I started the engines according to checklist but when props run fine the plane is shaken every 3-5 seconds which is cause the ignition goes on and on. I never had that problem before and i dont know why it happens nor how to fix it. Any idea or work arround?

Sounds like a controller issue to me.

Either you have a controller switch, like the starter on an earlier Honeycomb Alpha for example, that is constantly set to start, or you have a switch on another controller with a mapping that you might not know exists.

Maybe search through your assigned control mappings, for all controllers including xbox controllers, for anything that might be activating the starter.

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I am sorry but the mod did not read my thread carefully and merged it here where it did not belong too. I can start the ATR but i cannot stop the annoying ignition. Even when the checklist will be done automatically this ***** mistake will happen.
And it happens only with ATR planes.

Mod Comment: User’s post was merged here because it was a better fit at the time and unclear that this wasn’t related.

So i now even tested many other props (Caribou, An2, DC3, Ford etc.) The ATR is the only plane with this issue.

Can you post a video of what happens? I very often fly the ATR (PC) and don’t have that issue, and I’m not quite sure of understanding what’s happening in your case.

I started the ATR according to checklist and when the engines run i hear the ignition sound every 3-5 seconds including the shaking. This happens also when i use auto complete. And this only appears with ATR plane.

That’s the part I dont quite understand because I don’t remember any shaking, even after forgetting to turn the ignition knob to OFF & START ABORT, hence why I asked for a video.

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I have no vid and i dont know how to make it. The description is clear. You know the ignition sound. Imagine you hear it starting every 3-4 seconds plus this shaking. What confuse me it only happen with the ATR 72.

Are you correctly moving the ignition switch to off after start and feathering/moving to auto at the correct moments? That’s the only thing I can think about right now.

Yes i did. But that is another “funny” aspect about ATR 72. You cant see a difference if its turned on or not. I bet in real ATR you can see it. And why did this sound appears even when i let the system start the ATR with auto complete the checklist?

It really does sound like a duplicate control mapping and the fact that this is the only aircraft that notices wouldn’t necessarily disprove that. The ATR might repeatedly poll all of the mapped physical controls, even after a successful restart, when the other aircraft you’ve tried might not.

If it’s not that and as nobody else appears to have reported this issue, it looks like it could be something at your end. Maybe try again, with nothing in the Community folder and see if recurs.

If this phenomen occours in every plane resp. prop i would guess it could have something to do with FS Realistic. But the problem did not occour when you put the ATR directly to rwy. And afaik there was an update for ATR within the last two months or so.

It’s your call, but you’ll need to file a bug report, via zendesk, and hope that they’ll be able to get it sorted, if it is a bug with the ATR.

Good luck