Recently i’ve encountered a problem regarding the flight plan page in the fmc in the ATR 72 aircraft, which happens randomly. Whenever i want to switch pages (for example when i go to perf page or the sec flight plan) randomly, my flight plan goes yellow and i cant revert it back to green, here is an example:
Here is the color code valid for the displays
Your flight plan is waiting for validation , there is a CLR TMPY information , the EXEC light is green.
check TMPY page
When required revisions have been inserted:
Once the TMPY is open, the EXECUTE active light is green to remind the pilot that the
EXEC key should be pressed to execute the FPLN revision.
If the active light is green:
Transfers TMPY into FPLN, activates the revised FPLN and displays the first FPLN page.
Cancels all revisions inserted in the present TMPY and maintains the active FPLN unchanged.
I had the same happen to be today. I did not find a way to confirm the flight plan. It does seem like I did something that messed up an internal logic for the temporary plan.
Did you import FP from Simbrief or else or did you enter each leg by hand ?
What about AIRAC cycle ? (for exemple , I have Aerosoft CRJ and if AIRAC is not uptodate , I get a CTD when choosing STAR)
In my case I imported from simbrief with default msfs nav data. The flightplan was fine, initially. If I recall correctly, I added an approach procedure and before executing it I clicked on direct. After this it was broken.
For me, i entered the fp manually and entered the appropriate approches, sids ans stars. The problem is that it happens randomly during the flight or on the ground when i go to other pages.
Had the same issue several times the last days. It is definitly a bug - the flight plan goes into “TMPY” mode, but “CLR TMPY” and “EXEC” both do not work, so the flightplan remains in “TMPY” mode and not be used any more. Unfortunatly I did not found a solid repro szenario yet.
Happened to me tonight. Cannot go back to active flight plan. Stuck in temporary data plan, neither CLR TMPY or Execute work, or trying to change any other FP parameters. Just stuck in Yellow as per the screenshot. Had to manually land the aircraft. Reporting the bug…
I can tell you how you got into this state but unfortunately not how to fix it. If you press the FPLN button when you are already on the flight plan page, it will switch to the secondary flight plan. At that point the primary flight plan will go into temp mode and you cannot get out of it.
Until they fix this bug, the only solution is to re-import the flight plan.
If you are on air, just set heading mode and re-import flight plan. Then go dct to your next waypoint from where you are.