ATR Honeycomb yoke not working

ATR Honeycomb yoke not working

Ensure you have mapped to throttle axis 1 and 2 without reference to the 100%. Use Throttle axis 1. Not throttle axis 1 (0-100-%)

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The “bug report” you filed was completely blank. Those fields in the bug report were empty. It helps to describe the issue in detail, such as what is happening. Also, which ATR the problem is happening on.

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I have the same problem, in my case, i use a Flight Hootas X, and when i start the ATR 72-600 in a gate whit the plane in cold and dark, the yoke not working but the trothel works, and when i start the plane in the runway the yoke works, does this bug happen to someome else and if there is a solution for it?

Gust guard still active? Yellow lever in Front of the throttles

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