ATR-Is anyone currently able to have a frustration free experience with this aircraft? Any tips?

Hi ladies and gentlemen,

I’ve been so excited every time I fly this aircraft and I’ve tried many times flight after flight and each has ended in frustration and disappointment. Still, I keep trying in hopes I’ll have that one flight where everything works correctly or at least we’ll enough to complete it without issue.

Has anyone been flying the ATR (The larger one) and had a consistently good experience with it? If so, would you be kind enough to share some tips? I’ll list the issues I’m having below.

There are currently the issues I’m having, most can be worked around but some are causing such frustration.

-Sim brief payload doesn’t input properly (Not a big deal I can manually load.)

-Screens (MFDs) will often freeze after setting up the FMC, prior to pushback. Unable to change format, range, etc (This used to be a huge issue requiring restarting my flight but I found the workaround is to turn the MFDs on and off and they’ll begin to respond again.)

I like the aircraft so much that I can and am willing to work around the issues above, really my issues in normal flight are the following:

(if anyone has any tips for the following, I’d greatly appreciate it.)

-TOD marker doesn’t show sometimes.

-Settinng a lower altitude and selecting VNAV causes the aircraft to descend immediately and will bust the selected altitude unless another mode is set.

Does anyone have any tips on how to manage a vnav descent or how to enjoy the ATR without every flight ending in frustration?

I’m a pretty advanced simmer able to handle the likes of other high fidelity aircraft but the ATR is just driving me nuts because I want to be able to fly and enjoy it so bad.

Hopefully with some tips and how to work around the wonky autopilot I may have a shot.

If no tips I’d just love to hear from those who fly it regularly.

Thanks all!


Right… Here’s how I enjoy it with xbox and a Hotas all in the 72. Regarding simbrief on the import FP page set fuel using the button provided but for pax cargo see what simbrief says TOW is and set it close as you can using the in game weight and balance menu editing forward cargo if you want to get it exact.

Taxi blows! she is way too torquey in ground idle so I let it run to 15 kts and blip my reverse pitch to maintain a reasonable speed

Get the plane off your backside asap you have work to do! Set the HDG bug to runway heading and set your MCP alt . Enable VS mode to 1000 fpm, now she is set up you can engage autopilot on climb out leaving you free to engage yaw damper and flip power selector to climb, press nav when you like.

She will accellerate thru 140 flaps up and 170 engage IAS

Cruise watch for ice etc

TOD use vs initially then you can engage vnav when the bug is centered but watch your end of descect marker as vnav on the routes I fly can be dodgy and leave you high and watch your speed.

Approach Do not trust the glideslope the ATR holds the ILS glideslope poorly so I just cancel and fly but it had better be fixed by the winter.

I am flaps 1 before GS capture. At GS capture gear down and flaps full and slowing to VAPP +10 until 50 feet. Sometimes I hold 140 longer until 1000 ILS or later if visual but will be Vapp +10 by 1000 or 500 ft.

At 50 feet call slow to land at Vapp your flare will do most.

Taxi in I use the same reverser trick to keep speed managable

Turnaround use hotel mode or it will bug out , at the gate feather and shut down 1 feather 2 make sure the gust lock is on, now prop brake will say ready, engage prop brake.

If you never shut down 2 you can keep going, 5 is my max in a day.

Hope some of this helps


This really helps a bit thank you very much.

Experienecs from the Jan-24 update?
Change log is long. Still downloading, high hopes…

I can’t get throttles to work . I have Thrustmaster TCA airbus and cant get levers to move in plane. Anyone help. cheers. Mike.

They work for me. Did you calibrate them?

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I did but still not working.

Can you give any more information beyond “not working?”

When moving thrustmaster TCA nothing happens to ATR cockpits levers. so cannot basically fly the plane. Throttles works fine on all other planes.

Did you saw raw input values moving in the EFB and the throttle not moving in the VC ?
Are you in the situation where the Throttle are locked on the pedestal (GUST ON), which could be fine on prior start engines ?

Yes, the throttles need to be unlocked. Did you ever follow the demo flight walkthrough and do everything step by step? That’s essential to learn this plane which is different from many of the other airliners in MSFS.

You can find the demo flight in the manual

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Could you provide the ATR manual location on MSFS install if any ?

It’s in the add on. Wherever you installed it. I think there’s a folder called Documentation or something.

When you purchased the ATR, the location of the manual was clearly mentioned.

P.S. I am suspecting that the people having trouble with the ATR may not have read the manual. The manual even says that as much as you may want to just jump in and fly, you really really should do the entire demo flight. Manuals are good things people.

There is no manuals for the ATR, that said there IS video tutorials on youtube

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:+1: This is what I conclude, never seen one already from the start otherwise the manual would have indeed been mentioned by the community

Well I had a manual in my install. It’s a text version of the video tutorial.

Potentially something you’ve put there and missed the moment you’ve performed the action …

Thanks that must be the issue I will look a the video and see how to unlock the throttles. thanks for your help all. Bought it though the MS market place did not see any thing about the manual will try and find it. Im on Steam version.

This lever in this position unlock the Throttle levers. In ON position, it locks the Throttle levers

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Thank you for all your help Lynx. I have it all sorted now. Reinstalled TCA drivers again and throttles now work. I also found the gate lock ha ha.