ATR is unusable - power wigs out, turns off when disengaging parking brake

I went through 737NG Driver’s tutorial on getting the plane started up. I got it into Hotel mode, and was getting ready to push back. I removed external power and chocks and started pushback. Then when I released the parking brake everything powered by AC shut down.

I restarted the flight and used the EFB to get back to Hotel mode. I disconnected external power, removed the chocks, disengaged the parking brake and the same thing happened. Video here:

So I tried starting it up in “ready to taxi” mode. It just completely wigs out as if power is constantly turning off and on.

I removed everything from my Community folder and the same thing happens.

WTH is going on?

Most likely any disturbing control binding, second likely any other 3rd party mod interfering.

As it‘s the easier thing to do: first rename your community folder and check if it still happens. If yes look for any control bindings that should not be there in the ATR.

Apparently I had a switch on my Honeycomb Bravo bound to Master Battery Off/On. No clue why this only caused problems when the parking brake was released though.

Sorry I had missed that on the small phone display. Glad you found the cause. There is a lot of custom code and probably the dev has coupled something (like GPU etc) with the parking brake… who knows what default systems have been replaced, accidentally added etc. It’s always a good idea to use specific profiles for complex addons.

I originally duplicated it from another profile that had that switch set.

It’s especially weird that turning the switch on doesn’t activate the battery, but having it set off creates the symptoms above.