ATR prop brake will not disengage once Engine #2 started (only 72-600 the 42-600 is OK)

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MSFS ATR 72-600 Economy and Highline

Brief description of the issue:

Before engine start, the prop brake switch operates and indicates normally. Once Engine #2 is started in hotel mode (which works fine), the prop brake will not disengage. The switch moves but indication stays at prop brake engaged. Running up engine 1 is no problem but if you try and take off, there is a major alarm telling you the prop brake is engaged. The overhead shows all systems operating correctly. I have tried cutting out as many addons as I can but problem persists. I am following checklists and don’t believe I had this problem before the update and the addition of the “Highline”. I had completed several flights, but aircraft inoperable now. Update: Have now found that you CAN disengage the prop brake as long as External Power is ON, or Engine #1 is running and prop set to “Auto”. Doesn’t seem right but at leat it gets you going,

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Engine Running

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Select either of the ATR 72-600’s . Go through checklists as far as engaging “Hotel Mode” . Then try disengaging prop brake. Prop brake engaged light remains on and external views show engine #2 not turning

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

After update to Market Place ATR (Hans HartmannATR)

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Are you able to disengage the prop brake by pressing the aux hydraulics button on the console next to the parking brake?

I’ll try that. At moment I’m flying, using the method I described with Eng#1 fired up and at “auto” but I’ll give the “aux pump press” a try when next on ground.

Nope. Treid that. Didn’t make any difference. Conditions that allow prop brake to operate when Engine 2 started are (a) either of the External Power switches on (with external power available) or (b) Engine #2 prop in feather and Engine #1 started and in Auto.

There’s nothing wrong with it with the new update , took me many times to finally get it , Go ahead and click all 3 hyd’s to on like you always do then flip the guard and put the toggle up like always . When your ready to let the props spin and go down by the throttles and you see the little button hyd for ground , when you click it with your mouse ,for me any way if i click it and hold it it won’t say Ready on the over head where you flip it to prop on reclick it but a fast click and see if says ready . Now when you flip the toggle down HOLD it down till you see the UNlock show up and your go to go , it took me a while to get it

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if you cycle to the hyd sys page on your mfd you can see what happens when you hit the aux hyd pump

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To change the position of the prop brake and have it actually do something, the green “READY” light must be illuminated. Hit the aux hydraulic pump button near the parking brake, and that gives you about 15 seconds to turn it on or off.


This was something that was changed in the latest update to make it more realistic.

Thanks for the inputs guys. I’ll follow up on these. Strange it doesn’t seem to have affected the 42-600.
(I like the “fast click” idea - i had to learn to do that with the engine start buttons. A proper “Click” wouldn’t operate them, it had to be a “fast Click”)

Sorted! You were right about the “Fast Click” of the Hyd Aux Pump!

I haven’t been able to start the ATR since the update either, despite my being very familiar with the ATR systems as well as Hotel mode. What is this fast click idea, how does it work.


Can’t get it to disengage. Is it just press the hyd aux pump. And then disengage the prop brake? What an I missing here

Regarding starting engines and disengaging the prop brake. (1) For engine start just click very quickly on the engine start buttons, don’t hold the mouse down for any longer than is necessary. Difficult to describe , but that’s the “fast click”. (2) for Prop Brake Disengage, same idea, a “Fast Click” on the Hyd Aux Pump button and then Disengage Prop Brake. Best to bring up the Hydraulic Screen on the NFD and watch when you are clicking the button. If you do it right, you will see the Aux Hyd line go green to tell you it’s engaged and then disengage Prop Brake. Hope that helps

Ok so even if my engine is already on feather with prop brake on, I need to click on engine start again? That’s the only thing I didn’t do from your steps.

No! I was replying to two questions at once! You just need to make sure Aux Hyd pump is activated and then disengage brake.

Be sure that you disengage the prop brake while condition lever #2 is on the feather position


The “solution” didn’t work. Condition Lever in Feather position, Aux Hyd pump is activated (Green Line to Prop BRK), but switching PROP BRK switch to off does nothing?

I don’t understand why the Aux Pump On should make any difference anyway since

Well, all I can say is that it worked for me (haven’t used this aircraft for a while). The secret is to be as "light " as possible when hitting the buttons with the mouse. You should try and make the mouse press time as short as you can. That seems to be the secret.

I see the Hyd Aux Pump line turn green but when I switch the prop brake to off it still won’t turn off. It just stays on. Any other tricks?

Tried this aircraft yesterday and was able to turn the prop brake on and off, again using quick gentle touches on the respective buttons with my mouse. Can’t really offer any further advice except for that.