AUGUST 27TH, 2020 Development Update

How to get update

Step 1: Delete MSFS

Now you have updated your Disk space



Yeah, that is a very good point there. Actually I believe that is what is going on

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A FTC complaint for a bug one week after a game is released. Do you do this for every game that has a bug? Because good luck. If this was a year later, ok maybe, but even then…good luck. This is hilarious.


Another speculation, see DR map on the site, instead of users false speculation, there have been already said there is monthly update.

I bought through Microsoft Store on pre-order. I wanted those specific planes and those features they advertised for that price. Just like when I buy the deluxe version of anything I expect to get what is advertised. I rarely buy the premium version and when I do it is for a reason. Your logic would seem to indicated if someone goes and buys a $25 million dollar plane and pays an extra $5 million for advanced avionics, they are the stupid ones for expecting the advanced avionics to work. BTW, why are people even defending Microsoft for this? I would think all of us who take the time to type on a forum would have high expectations. Very curious stance to take.


Paying $120 for some broken software from Microsoft is the only familiar thing I’ve done in 2020.


Hey its only the beginning of the journey, we have 10 years …

(To get IFR fixed in 2030) :face_with_head_bandage:


The map has nothing to do with the bugs or missing features.

It may be a strong step. However if you buy any game you can take it back within 14 days and at least get store credit. We cannot even do that!

How come these updates haven’t been showing up on the homepage. I kind of liked the “one-stop shop” for these updates but now it seems as though coming into the forums is required to view them. What gives?

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Given that your post history seems to contain nothing but criticism for the project and its devs, up to and including implying they’re being fraudulent, I’m gonna go ahead and press X to doubt on this one.


The sim was going to be released with bugs whether it was August or December. Delaying it would only push back the release of addons, and 3rd party devs would only continue to lose money as people continued to hold off on purchasing in anticipation of the MSFS release. Your hope for a bug free release is unfortunately unrealistic, as the scope of this project is larger than anything that ever has been released to consumers.


The map have to do when world update and sim update, development progress, sdk, preview episode etc… and web site update will show details on update and dates release. This is to avoid speculation from users, only refers to these state, anythings else are speculation and troll etc…

Wow…bunch of nothing. Keep moving on guys, nothing to see here.

It’s mainly the fact that they stopped responding to support emails, and have failed to acknowledge this broken core advertised gameplay feature as an issue that exists at all. That’s not acceptable from a multibillion dollar corporation.


Bug free? well.

Feature incomplete and VFR only–NO

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It is a good start! I am sure more will follow soon. With this sim time flies so the updates will roll in before you know :wink:

  1. Creepy, dude.
  2. AS = Active Sky, so I have no idea what you even mean.

Yeah, I understand that kind of strategies. I believe they need to improve A LOT their way of communicating with the community. Maybe that would help a lot.