AUGUST 27TH, 2020 Development Update

I was expecting an update like this and this response. When you have a patch with critical fixes (like people can’t play the game) you don’t add non critical fixes like the weather to the list. Why? Because what if QA find a last minute serious bug in the non critical fix? You are jeopardising the patch and the critical fixes that must go out ASAP. Therefore the non critical items go in a separate release.


We have seen this crappy communication in the Q&A too. Asobo is in an other world compared to Microsoft. MS does the PR and Asobo is doing the work, there is clearly a miss-match with that concept and they don’t work as one. Must be quite frustrating as a dev to see this community go out like this while it’s not your fault but the PR that’s not even part of the studio you work for. Bless them.


I understand that, but this sort of thing belongs in a hotfix, not a patch that is due a week or two after release, surely? It’s being promoted as a Development Update… I dunno, I just thought we’d see some larger fixes here, rather than just making sure that people can even install the game properly. That feels like the sort of issue that should have been caught in Alpha or Beta.


I’m just curious what do we think will happen once the guys and gals who could not install/run it finally can and run into these very visible issues. After waiting for 3 weeks to run it to run into more issues is not gonna make them happier - just more pissed IMO.


And you don’t take 14 days to fix “critical fixes” so not sure I agree with you…


A fix for simconnect is a fix for the Saitek panels issue.
This is good, but native support would be better.

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VFR only? If you aren’t able to complete an IFR flight in the provided aircraft, that’s a user issue, not a sim issue. I’ve completed over a dozen full flights in the various tube liners. Are they perfect? No. Useable? Definitely, and much more feature rich than any default aircraft in the sims ive owned. Get some perspective man.


Wow what a downer. Not impressed.


the 747 is a sim issue …

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I was hoping for some planes.

No CTD issues? :sweat:

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Wow… that felt quite short and dry. Of course, they must focus first on bugs that are real show stoppers, like the problems with the installer and the CTDs. I was not expecting to have everything solved in some weeks but…

At least some level of acknowledgment regarding the issues identified by the community. For example, the issues with live weather, the very limited air traffic, the performance issues experienced by many users (stutters), not all of them linked to simconnect, the handling of the tubeliners close to the ground…

I am worried that some of these issues are not considered a problem and therefore they won´t be corrected or even checked anytime soon.

I think the community also needs some transparency on the roadmap for all the features which are not finished yet: some real life liveries, the avionics of many aircrafts, etc.

I can fully understand that some things are complex and not everything can be accomplished in a couple of weeks, but transparency is key to keep customer confidence. You can follow the example of Laminar Research and their developer blog. Yes, they overpromise and under deliver sometimes, yes, they have their own roadmad which is not the one the user base has. But they are not afraid to communicate directly with the community, answer questions, and even fail on their commitments or explain why their schedule was wrong!

I still believe that this sim is the platform for the next 10 years, and it has huge strengths. But there are some very unfinished areas too, and the dev team needs to explain what is the plan here. What can we expect to see improved and what is considered as “good enough”. What will come during this year and what will come at some point in the next 5 years…

Meanwhile, even if this game was a day one purchase for me, I have to say that I am quite happy that I decided to subscribe to game pass to get it as a subscription. I think I will stay like that until we have more clarity about the direction and duration of the trip.


I mean, the times I’ve tried it, the AP couldn’t even respond reliably to the heading selection in some aircraft. I think at this point, I’ve had almost every flight be marred by some issue, except just the most basic flights (VFR, clear skies, C152), and even then I’m still getting stuttering issues unrelated to framerate (my framerate is actually quite good at the moment).


Users and fans like communication. This is something other developers have learned the hard way.

Talk to us regularly. Keep us in the loop. Give us fequent updates. Keep us interested and assured things will be coming down the pipeline even if most already understand all this.

A little honey goes a long, long way team.


A little ticked off about the delay but what can ya do? again, I say this to every developer who delay such things not just the team here, DON’T ANNOUNCE a date if you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA you can keep it… just DON’T… wait until its done THEN announce when a patch/update is coming or just simply deserve the backlash for it…

I’m sure there is more stuff in the patch then listed here, but this is a REAAAAALLLY light patch as far as bug fixes go from what “they’ve announced”. This shouldn’t take 3 weeks to fix launcher bugs no way… THAT, im afraid is absolutely shocking…

I just hope this sort of LACK of information to the community, and delays like this for some of the most basic and fundemental fixes for games in today’s industry, sets the precedence going forward for the rest of FS2020’s development. Its a fast track to loose the playerbase, especially, the more casual flyers you supposed to appeal to this time around. Players, have less patience, and less tolerence to this sort of thing then they did a decade ago.

Basic things like massive FPS drops with name tags enabled and unable to install issues are fundamental fixes that should have taken no longer then 2 days at most to fix. You will get a mass exodus of refunds (specifically for steam users) if you don’t get your act together guys… AT THE VERY LEAST push the launcher fixes sooner then next week don’t just hold onto it to push a bunch of things at once…


Not sure announcing the announcement of a patch date is such a good idea when in the end it is so brief. This may have worked in alpha when for the majority it was all we had, but now it’s just raising expectations.

Really hoped the wind issue would at least be noted. I live in hope it’s a server issue that could get fixed at any moment…but I am beginning to doubt that.


still cannot succesfully save and restore a flight basic day 1 stuff how hard is it to save some files majorly disappointed

I agree. it’s a very limited news article, where more time seemed to be spend on finding nice pictures. A list with all the issues they know about and their status would have been helpful. A daily update would be nice also, just to inform people about what is happening. We wait a week for some underwelming news.


Unfortunately that seems like a lack of knowledge of how the autopilot works.

Trust me, I acknowledge that not EVERY autopilot function is working, but heading select? Haven’t had any issues whatsoever in any aircraft I’ve tried that has an autopilot.


I expected better from such a large simulator and from companies like Microsoft and Asobo. How do you announce a patch that will only be available in 7 days? It’s a joke? It seems unbelievable.

Even indie games when they announce patch patches release the update no later than the next day.

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