August 3, 2023 Development Update Blog Discussion

Check out the latest Development Update here:

Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!


Great update! Very glad that new PMDG products were released, and updated, combined with the first liveries. Thanks people for all the hard work.

PS. Also: the first update without night enhancements :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Going to be in Cologne when the City Update drops, so City Update Germany? Do we dare dream to get another Junkers Local Legend along with it?

when we were there (on foot) a local guy told us the story of a small plane pilot who crashed into the small lake when his turns to see the island got too tight. Splash!

World Hub scheduled for September update. That’s very cool. Will be nice to not have to go to third party websites like, to get updated, and reasonably accurate regional, and smaller airports.

As basic, and frankly poorly made stock assets that X-Plane has in WED for their scenery gateway, with practice, and workarounds, you can create a somewhat nice airport udate. I hope MS/Asobo, being able to start from scratch, with no legacy sim to have to support, have implemented a user friendly tool, and creation pathway.

One feature I’d love is the ability to download regions of community improved airports. For example, if I fly GA mainly in the United States, in the state of Nebraska, it’d be nice to be able to just select Nebraska as a region, and get all the updated airports at once.

Maybe they fix eggk airport for the gamescon.

As a native, I would humbly suggest a more scenic state. :joy:

Well, maybe Chimney Rock is fine :+1:

I was just looking for an easy state to spell…LOL. If you look up “fly over state” in Websters, there’s a pic of Nebraska.