August 8, 2024 Development Update Blog Discussion

Check out the latest Development Update blog here:

Please use this thread for feedback and discussion. Thank you!

Interesting that E-jets comes to the marketplace still in early accessā€¦

Wait, this is the free freighter version for those owning both 175 and 190. I wasnā€™t expecting that I could come up as a standalone package even before those showed up.

These ridiculous ā€˜metalā€™ liveries. Even notably bad freeware is better. Yet the FT Vegas update is still not through.


Am I missing something? The Ejets is just for the freighter variant? They didnā€™t release the passenger type?

Seems rather odd.

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On PC the toolbar can be hidden without 3rd party software, Iā€™ve actually forgotton how but it was an easy fix so search these forums for the solution. Btw Iā€™m not knocking the new app, itā€™s probably quite a godsend to x-boxers and computerspeak illiterates

Or just use this No Handle Bar for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

This update seems to have crashed my sim for some reason. Anyone else have a problem like this?

Correction: I stumbled upon a bug or maybe operator mis-use. The airport I was at did not have a SID for departure so, Navigraph generated a GPS coordinate when I forced a waypoint about 4 miles out as my first turn. I crashed the sim 3 times until I used an official navaid as my first turn and it worked.

I can probably say ā€œMisuseā€ maybe but I would rather say lack of warning from the sim.or even ā€œbugā€. Who knowsā€¦

I ran the update yesterday afternoon, and immediately I had problems with MSFS. Sound would cut in an out when trying to load a flight, I finally solved that by removing the PMDG 777 from the community folder. Then I had to reinstall the Fenix A 320, and it still hangs up when starting a flight, for a few seconds. Now up until yesterday, this sim has been flawless for thousands of flights. That update sure screwed up a perfectly running sim.

See if you can update your mainboard / audio drivers

Personal Comments and Observations

Given that the update was only Navdata and World Hub adjustments to specific stock airports, itā€™s more likely with your Add-Ons than anything else.