Hong Kong Intl(VHHH)
Elev: 28’
RW 07C/25C Asphalt 12,464’
RW 07R/25L Asphalt 12,465’
Event details
Altitude: FL370. Aircraft: 737. Suggested Min Speed: 300knots Alternate: ZGHA Block Time: 02:47 Block Fuel: 9,815kgs Block Payload: 9,598kgs Server: South East Asia Join Discord Server:Aussie Group Flights Team - On-line Flying Note: Joining the Discord Server is FREE. As a member it allows you to enjoy many services the site has to offer. You also use the Voice capability of the Discord server to chat during events.
Depart Time: 10:00z Sim Time: 8:00am Multiplayer: All Players Weather: Live Weather Flight Duration: 2hr 19mins approx. Flight Distance: 964nm