Aussie Group Flights Team - Alaska Kodiak Is Airports

Join us on a journey around the unspoiled beauty of Kodiak Island in Alaska. We begin our journey at Kodiak(PADQ) and navigate to a number of small airports spread around the island, performing Touch and Goes and Full Stop landings, till we reach our destination of Kodiak Mun(PAKD). To make it interesting, You are to fly no higher than 2,500’ to navigate to your next point along the route. You need to use valleys, rivers etc to get through the terrain. Real weather will be used if possible but is often treacherous in this part of the world.

Details to follow. Hope you can join us.

Regards, Paul

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ATTENTION Aussie Flight Group Participants …

Group Flight: 2021-07-23T10:00:00Z


Route: PADQ(Kodiak) - 6R7(Old Harbor) - PAKH(Akhiok) - PAKY(Karluk) - PALB(Larsen Bay) - ORI(Port Lions) - UP1(User Point) - 4K5(Ouzinkie) - PAKD(Kodiak Mun).

Take off from Kodiak(PADQ)
Track 201 deg to Old Harbor(6R7) 41nm
Touch and Go at Old Harbor(6R7)
Track 223 deg to Akhiok(PAKH) 34nm
Touch and Go at Akhiok(PAKH)
Track 329 deg to Karluk(PAKY) 39nm
Touch and Go at Karluk(PAKY)
Track 079 deg to Larsen Bay(PALB) 15.5nm
Full Stop Landing at Larsen Bay(PALB)
Take off from Larsen Bay(PALB)
Track 041 deg to Port Lions(ORI) 42nm
Touch and Go at Port Lions(ORI)
Track 357 deg to UP1(User Point) 42nm
Track 160 deg to Ouzinkie(4K5) 37nm
Touch and Go at Ouzinkie(4K5)
Track 142 deg to Kodiak Mun(PAKD) 8.7nm
Full Stop Landing at Kodiak Mun(PAKD)

Altitude: The route can be flown up to 6,500’ to be clear of terrain, However, I’d like everyone to fly no higher than 2,500’ and use the valleys and water courses etc, to make your way to the next waypoint.

Airport details:

Elev: 79’
RW 08/26 Asphalt
RW 11/29 Asphalt
RW 01/19 Asphalt

Old Harbor(6R7)
Elev: 55’
RW 03/21 Asphalt

Elev: 44’
RW 04/22 Asphalt

Elev: 142’
RW 01/28 Asphalt

Larsen Bay(PALB)
Elev: 87’
RW 04/22 Asphalt

Port Lions(ORI)
Elev: 42’
RW 07/25 Bituminous

Elev: 100’
RW 08/26 Gravel

Kodiak Mun(PAKD)
Elev: 139’
RW 03/21 Asphalt

Aircraft: Any GA aircraft.

IMPORTANT: In the interest of keeping it REAL, please refrain from selecting inappropriate aircraft, like airliners. This only detracts from the immersion of the flight.

Seeing Aircraft Correctly: You need to do two things to ensure you can see the other pilots in the event and see them in the aircraft they selected.

Select the same server: To do this, proceed as follows:

From the Welcome Screen, click on your Username (top right)
From the list of servers, under Servers, select WEST USA

Turn off Generic Planes: To do this, proceed as follows:

From the Welcome Screen, click on OPTIONS
Click on GENERAL
With TRAFFIC selected, scroll down to the last option and set USE GENERIC PLANE MODELS to OFF

Turning off Crash/Damage:

Select Options/General/Flight Model
Select Legacy Model, so you can adjust the settings below
Move Crash Realism to 0
Select Modern Model, to reselect the appropriate flight model
Accept the settings


Select Options/Assistance
Expand Failure & Damage
Disable Crash Damage
Accept the changes

Voice Room: Discord for Official MSFS Community: Event #1 or Event #2 are the voice rooms available to us. I need to see which is available on the day and reserve it. I will be in the room and get it authorised for our use. Just look for my Userid: VHFIB to determine which room to enter. Until the room is open only one person can be in the room. In the past we have needed to use a PTT (push to talk) button. This is no longer required, so you can use voice activated comms. Some people prefer to use their phone or ipad etc for Discord comms.

Note: if you are new to the Discord Server for MSFS, you will need to “react” to get access to the voice rooms.

To “react”, once in the Discord for Official MSFS, click on the Important - Info option and at the very bottom, click on the button (last item at the bottom of the screen) to react and provide access. Note: clicking on the button accepts the conditions etc., which you can read via the available links.

Link to join the Voice Room:
Note: this link is only valid for 7 days from posting.

Weather/Time: We will set the time to 8am. This will allow us to fly in daylight and choose CLEAR Weather, so can enjoy the scenery:

From the World Map view, click on Flight Conditions (upper right of screen)
Click on All Players, Live Traffic, Custom
Under Weather and Time, select Clear Weather and move the time slide bar to show 8:00am. 
Click Close and Fly from the World Map view.

We can start departing from 10:00z. There will be no need for official radio calls. Lets just have some fun taking in the scenery and the social aspects of the event.

Turning on Name Tags (This will assist you in following the group if you get disoriented):

Select Options/GeneralTraffic
Set Show Traffic Nameplates to On
Accept the settings

Still confused, check out the multiplayer video tutorial from SimHangar Flight Simulation: MSFS | MULTIPLAYER | How To Guide | Everything You Need To Know | Fly in events coming soon. - YouTube

Let me know if there’s anything else that I’ve missed that you need to know.,

Regards, Paul

Print this flight card out for your easy reference during the flight (Note: only available up to the date of the flight):

Flight plans for the event …

Little NavMap:
VFR Kodiak (PADQ) to Kodiak Mun (PAKD).lnmpln (2.5 KB)

VFR Kodiak (PADQ) to Kodiak Mun (PAKD).pln (3.4 KB)

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Event reminder …

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Hi, very excited!! What speed are we flying at?

I’m flying the Caravan. It’s not a huge island, so speed isn’t a factor. Well worth gawking out the window and soaking up the scenery.

A shot early in the flight. Unfortunately I lost power at home as we were preparing to taxi at the full stop so didn’t get anymore shots. I will go back and redo the flight at some stage. Thanks Paul for the great plans you put together.

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Dammit. YESTERDAY was Friday! :rofl:
Hope it was a great flight!

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It was one of the best. Just redo the flight using the supplied plan. You’ll love it.

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