Aussie Group Flights Team: RFDS Operations - Shannons Creek Emergency

Group flights, Aussie style. Aussie Group Flights Team is the ultimate way to explore the world with your favourite people.

It this series of events, we celebrate the efforts of the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) in Australia by flying a number of examples of the types of flights they provide as a service to the Australian community.

For more information on the RFDS, click HERE .

The RFDS relies on donations and support from the community to perform the valuable work they do, please consider a donation if you are able to.

To view a video on the services they provide, click HERE

This event was supported by scenery downloads available from Thanks to geekle for providing the supporting files.

Type of Service: Medical Emergency
RFDS Base: Broken Hill(YBHI)
Location of Incident: Shannon’s Creek.
Nature of Incident: Car accident. Passenger suffering serious head wounds.
Notes: An ambulance was dispatched from nearby Tibooburra and they have stabilised the patient awaiting our arrival for transport to Broken Hill. An ambulance will be waiting at the airport to transport the patient to Broken Hill Base Hospital.

Routing for YBHI to Y0TP : YBHI BHI W325 PAKVU Y0TP (Cruise 7,000’)

Routing for Y0TP to YBHI: Y0TP PAKVU W325 BHI YBHI (Cruise 8,000’)

Details to follow. Hope you can join us.


Regards, Paul

This week, we will be spinning the wheel for free payware software - Ken Hall’s PNG Bush Strips No 3, which was released last Friday, on the Orbx Store. Ken has donated licenses that will allow us to spin the wheel at all the events next week, with two chances to win at each event.

You need to fly in the event and be around for the draw at the conclusion of the event. There will be two draws at the end of each event.

You must be a member of the Discord Server to be included in the spin. Discord membership is FREE. Join here: Aussie Group Flights Team - On-line Flying

Good Luck

ATTENTION Aussie Flight Group Participants …


Routing for YBHI to Y0TP : YBHI BHI W325 PAKVU Y0TP (Cruise 7,000’)

Routing for Y0TP to YBHI: Y0TP PAKVU W325 BHI YBHI (Cruise 8,000’)

Airport details:

Broken Hill(YBHI)
Elev: 959’
RW 05/23 Bituminous 8,241’
RW 14/32 Asphalt 3,275’

Shannon’s Creek Emergency
Elev: 0’
RW SW/NE Silver City Hwy and Henry Roberts Rd

Event details:

Altitude: YBHI to Y0TP: 7,000’. Y0TP to YBHI: 8,000’
Aircraft: King Air B350.
Suggested Cruise Speed: 300knots
Server: South East Asia
Join Discord Server: Aussie Group Flights Team - On-line Flying
Note: Joining the Discord Server is FREE. As a member it allows you to enjoy many services the site has to offer. You also use the Voice capability of the Discord server to chat during events.

Depart Time: 20:00z
Sim Time: 08:00am
Multiplayer: All Players
Weather: Live Weather
Flight Duration: YBHI to Y0TP: 27m. Y0TP to YBHI: 27m.
Flight Distance: YBHI to Y0TP: 112nm. Y0TP to YBHI: 112nm.

Flight Plans to support the event …

Little NavMap: YBHI to Y0TP: IFR Broken Hill (YBHI) to Shannon s Creek Emergency Airs (Y0TP).lnmpln (1.8 KB)

MSFS: YBHI to Y0TP: IFR Broken Hill (YBHI) to Shannon s Creek Emergency Airs (Y0TP).pln (2.2 KB)

Little NavMap: Y0TP to YBHI: IFR Shannon s Creek Emergency Airs (Y0TP) to Broken Hill (YBHI).lnmpln (1.8 KB)

MSFS Y0TP to YBHI: IFR Shannon s Creek Emergency Airs (Y0TP) to Broken Hill (YBHI).pln (2.2 KB)

Flight Card: Click Here

Suggested scenery for the event …

Note: any dependencies listed for libraries.

Event reminder …

10 min? - am parked. Not done this before.

I see @CinnamonInk8010 - all good