Aussie Group Flights Team: Scenic Heli - Barcelona

Group flights, Aussie style. Aussie Group Flights Team is the ultimate way to explore the world with your favourite people.

Scenic Heli events are about taking a CLOSE look at the MSFS world around us. In this event, we take a close look at improvements made in City Update 7 to the Barcelona area.

You are welcome to choose any GA aircraft but I’m suggesting a Helicopter capable of at least 120knots for the event.

Details to follow. Hope you can join us.


Regards, Paul

ATTENTION Aussie Flight Group Participants …


Route: Aerodrom D’Avinyonet(LEAV) El Prat(LEBL) Camp Nou(POI5) Museu Nacional d Art de Catalunya(POI4) Jardins de Massen Cinto Verdaguer(POI3) Montjuic Castle(POI2) Port de Barcelona(POI1) W Barcelona(POI6) Santa Caterina Market(POI7) Placa de Joan Fiveller(POI8) Hotel Arts(POI9) Torre Mapfre(POI10) Museum of National Sciences(POI14) Parc del Forum(POI15) Port del Badolona(POI17) Pont de Cristofol de Moura(POI16) Torre Agbar(POI13) Parc de Les Glories(POI12) Casa Mila(POI11) Sabadell(LELL) Aerodrom Del Pla De Bages(LENV) Igualada/Odena Airport(LEIG) Aerodrom D’Avinyonet(LEAV).

* Take off from Aerodrom D'Avinyonet(LEAV)
* Track 105 deg to El Prat(LEBL) 14.7nm
* Track 020 deg to Camp Nou(POI5) 5.4nm
* Track 117 deg to Museu Nacional d Art de Catalunya(POI4) 1.6nm
* Track 093 deg to Jardins de Massen Cinto Verdaguer(POI3) 0.5nm
* Track 160 deg to Montjuic Castle(POI2) 0.3nm
* Track 118 deg to Port de Barcelona(POI1) 0.4nm
* Track 052 deg to W Barcelona(POI6) 0.9nm
* Track 331 deg to Santa Caterina Market(POI7) 1.2nm
* Track 074 deg to Placa de Joan Fiveller(POI8) 0.4nm
* Track 097 deg to Hotel Arts(POI9) 0.4nm
* Track 049 deg to Torre Mapfre(POI10) 0.1nm
* Track 036 deg to Museum of National Sciences(POI14) 1.7nm
* Track 055 deg Parc del Forum(POI15) 0.6nm
* Track 020 deg to Port del Badolona(POI17) 1.3nm
* Track 228 deg to Pont de Cristofol de Moura(POI16)1.1nm
* Track 229 deg to Torre Agbar(POI13)2nm
* Track 285 deg to Parc de Les Glories(POI12) 0.2nm
* Track 243 deg to Casa Mila(POI11) 1.4nm
* Track 341 deg to Sabadell(LELL)
* Full Stop Landing at Sabadell(LELL)  +++ 10 Min Break +++
* Take Off from Sabadell(LELL)
* Track 326 deg to Aerodrom Del Pla De Bages(LENV) 18.2nm
* Touch and Go at Aerodrom Del Pla De Bages(LENV)
* Track 221 deg to Igualada/Odena Airport(LEIG) 15.7nm
* Touch and Go at Igualada/Odena Airport(LEIG)
* Track 157 deg to Aerodrom D'Avinyonet(LEAV) 14nm
* Full Stop Landing at Aerodrom D'Avinyonet(LEAV)

Airport details:

Aerodrom D’Avinyonet(LEAV)
Elev: 813’
RW 11/29 Asphalt 1,499’

El Prat(LEBL)
Elev: 14’
RW 06L/24R Asphalt 11,433’
RW 06R/24L Asphalt 8,694’
RW 02/20 Asphalt 8,273’

Elev: 485’
RW 13/31 Asphalt 3,602’

Aerodrom Del Pla De Bages(LENV)
Elev: 892’
RW 05/23 Asphalt 1,302’

Igualada/Odena Airport(LEIG)
Elev: 1,079’
RW 16R/34L Grass 2,867’
RW 17L/35R Asphalt 2,876’

Event details:

Altitude: The route can be flown up to 4,500’ to be clear of terrain.
Aircraft: Strongly suggest a helicopter for this event, so you can hover and view the many points of interest.
Suggested Cruise Speed: 120knots
Server: South East Asia
Join Discord Server: Aussie Group Flights Team - On-line Flying
Note: Joining the Discord Server is FREE. As a member it allows you to enjoy many services the site has to offer. You also use the Voice capability of the Discord server to chat during events.

Depart Time: 20:00z
Sim Time: 08:00am
Multiplayer: All Players
Weather: Live Weather
Points of Interest: Turn on POIs to assist you in identifying them.
Flight Duration: 1 hr approx.
Flight Distance: 90nm

Flight Plans to support the event …

Little NavMap: VFR Aeròdrom D Avinyonet (LEAV) to Aeròdrom D Avinyonet (LEAV).lnmpln (5.8 KB)

MSFS: VFR Aerodrom D Avinyonet (LEAV) to Aerodrom D Avinyonet (LEAV).pln (8.1 KB)

Flight Card: Click Here

Suggested scenery for the event …
