ATTENTION Aussie Flight Group Participants ā¦
Route: Hamilton Aero(YHML) Victoria Valley(YVVA) Grampians(YGMP) Pomonal(YSTE) Stawell(YSWL).
* Take off from Hamilton Aero(YHML)
* Track 037 deg to Victoria Valley(YVVA) 13.2nm
* Full Stop Landing at Victoria Valley(YVVA)
* Take Off from Victoria Valley(YVVA)
* Track 343 deg to Landing Point 1(LP1) 7.4nm
* Full Stop Landing at Landing Point 1(LP1)
* Take off from Landing Point 1(LP1)
* Track 024 deg to Landing Point 2(LP2) 7.8nm
* Full Stop Landing at Landing Point 2(LP2)
* Take Off from Landing Point 2(LP2)
* Track 335 deg to Grampians(YGMP) 13.8nm
* Full Stop Landing at Grampians(YGMP) +++ 10 min break +++
* Take Off from Grampians(YGMP)
* Track 124 deg to WP1 15.7nm
* Follow waypoints WP1 thru WP13 21.3nm
* Track 172 deg to Landing Point 3(LP3) 1.6nm
* Full Stop Landing at Landing Point 3(LP3)
* Take Off from Landing Point 3(LP3)
* Track 186 deg to Landing Point 4(LP4) 1.1nm
* Full Stop Landing at Landing Point 4(LP4)
* Take Off from Landing Point 4(LP4)
* Track 208 deg to Landing Point 5(LP5) 1.2nm
* Full Stop Landing at Landing Point 5(LP5)
* Take Off from Landing Point 5(LP5)
* Track 025 deg to WP14 12.6nm
* Follow waypoints WP14 thru WP17 10.4nm
* Track 011 deg to Landing Point 6(LP6) 2.8nm
* Full Stop Landing at Landing Point 6(LP6)
* Take Off from Landing Point 6(LP6)
* Track 032 deg to Pomonal(YSTE) 5.3nm
* Full Stop Landing at Pomonal(YSTE)
* Take Off from Pomonal(YSTE)
* Track 007 deg to Stawell(YSWL) 10nm
* Full Stop Landing at Stawell(YSWL).
Airport details:
Hamilton Aero(YHML)
Elev: 803ā
RW 17/35 Bituminous 4,600ā
RW 10/28 Dirt 4,032ā
Victoria Valley Airport(YVVA)
Elev: 717ā
RW 17/35 Grass 2,053ā
Grampians Airport(YGMP)
Elev: 752ā
RW 05/23 Dirt 4,101ā
Pomonal Airstrip(YSTE)
Elev: 729ā
RW 12/30 Grass 3,054ā
Elev: 807ā
RW 11/29 Bituminous 4,610ā
RW 18/36 Bituminous 2,812ā
Event details:
Altitude: The route can be flown up to 4,500ā to be clear of terrain.
Aircraft: Strongly suggest a helicopter for this event, so you can hover and view the many points of interest.
Suggested Cruise Speed: 120knots
Server: South East Asia
Join Discord Server: Aussie Group Flights Team - On-line Flying
Note: Joining the Discord Server is FREE. As a member it allows you to enjoy many services the site has to offer. You also use the Voice capability of the Discord server to chat during events.
Depart Time: 20:00z
Sim Time: 08:00am
Multiplayer: All Players
Weather: Live Weather
Flight Duration: 1 hr 30mins approx.
Flight Distance: 122nm
Flight Plans to support the event ā¦
Little NavMap: VFR Hamilton Aero (YHML) to Stawell (YSWL).lnmpln (5.6 KB)
MSFS: VFR Hamilton Aero (YHML) to Stawell (YSWL).pln (8.7 KB)
Flight Card: Click Here