Aussie Group Flights Team: VATSIM EVENT - Australia: Hay to Cootamundra

If you like to fly on VATSIM, join us for a flight in the C172 as we fly from Hay to Cootamundra, using CTAF radio calls and navigating by dead reckoning or GPS (if preferred).

I will supply all charts and weather information to assist with navigation.

Details to follow. Hope you can join us.


Regards, Paul

ATTENTION Aussie Flight Group Participants …

Group Flight: 2022-10-23T09:00:00Z



NOTE: Below tracks are course directions only. I will provide heading information based on winds aloft prior to the flight.

Take off from Hay(YHAY)
Track 064 deg to Griffith(YGTH) 64nm
Touch and Go at Griffith(YGTH)
Track 117 deg to Leeton(YLEE) 24nm
Overfly Leeton(YLEE)
Track 153 deg to Narrandra(YNAR) 12.8nm
Full Stop Landing at Narrandra(YNAR) +++ 10min Break +++
Take off from Narrandra(YNAR)
Track 090 deg to Coolamon(CLMN) 35nm
Track 087 deg to Junee(JUNEE) 19.1nm
Track 045 deg to Cootamundra(YCTM) 27nm
Full Stop Landing at Cootamundra(YCTM)

Altitude: The route can be flown up to 3,500’ to be clear of terrain.

Airport details

Elev: 305’
RW 04/22 Asphalt
RW 15/33 Dirt
CTAF: 126.70

Elev: 439’
RW 06/24 Asphalt
RW 18/36 Dirt
CTAF: 126.55
NDB: 305

Elev: 475’
RW 05/23 Grass
RW 11L/29R Grass
RW 11R/29L Grass
RW 04/22 Dirt
CTAF: 132.85

Elev: 474’
RW 14/32 Asphalt
RW 04/23 Dirt
CTAF: 132.85

Elev: 1,110’
RW 16/34 Asphalt
RW 10/28 Grass
CTAF: 126.7

For airport comprehensive airport details refer: Aeronautical Information Package - Airservices.
The information is available under the latest ERSA. Simply search for the airport.

Aircraft: C172

IMPORTANT: In the interest of keeping it REAL, please refrain from selecting inappropriate aircraft, like airliners. This only detracts from the immersion of the flight.

Seeing Aircraft Correctly: You need to do two things to ensure you can see the other pilots in the event and see them in the aircraft they selected.

Select the same environment: To do this, proceed as follows:

Use VPilot to connect to VATSIM
Use the FSLTL for model matching. 

FSLTL is an AI Traffic product that is FREE. It also supports VATSIM model matching. For details, watch this video: MSFS | FSLTL - New VATSIM Model Matching Out Now - Full Tutorial! - YouTube

Set Traffic options: To do this, proceed as follows:

From the Welcome Screen, click on OPTIONS
Click on GENERAL
With TRAFFIC selected:
Set Aircraft Traffic Type to OFF
Set Ground Aircraft Density to 0
scroll down to the last option and set USE GENERIC PLANE MODELS to OFF

Here is a tutorial on setting up MSFS for use on VATSIM: How to set up Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 for VATSIM [3min Tutorial] - YouTube

Turning off Crash/Damage:

Select Options/Assistance
Expand Failure & Damage
Disable Crash Damage
Disable Aircraft Stress Damage
Disable Engine Stress Damage
Accept the changes

Voice Room: My personal Discord server is used for voice comms. If you haven’t already joined my server, click on the below link to request access. I will set you up as a Member so you can access the server. Ensure you do this prior to the flight, as latecomers will need to wait for the next event.

Link to join the Voice Room: [Aussie Group Flights Team - Aussie Group Flights Team - On-line Flying
This is useful for general chat and briefings etc.
Note: this link is only valid for 7 days from posting.

Weather/Time: We will set the time to 8am. This will allow us to fly in daylight and choose REAL weather so that the winds are correct.

From the World Map view, click on Flight Conditions (upper right of screen)
Set Multiplayer to OFF, Air Traffic to OFF and Weather and Time to CUSTOM.
Under Weather and Time on the right, select Live Weather and move the time slide bar to show 8:00am. 
Click Close and Fly from the World Map view.

We can start departing from 09:00z.

Let me know if there’s anything else that I’ve missed that you need to know.,

Regards, Paul

Flight plans for the route …

Little NavMap: IFR Hay (YHAY) to Cootamundra (YCTM).lnmpln (2.2 KB)

MSFS: IFR Hay (YHAY) to Cootamundra (YCTM).pln (3.0 KB)

Charts to support the event …

Charts removed for copywrite reasons.

Use CLEAR OFF checks …

A common check throughout the flight that pilots use are the CLEAR OFF checks.

C ompass/Heading
L ogs updated
E ngine instruments, Oil temps and pressure
A ltitude
R adios

O rientation (do you know where you are? can you confirm your position using multiple references?
F uel and tank selection
F orced landing locations

These are typically done after TOC, every 10 minutes, at waypoints and at TOD.

In the Sim, you can press the D key to realign the Direction Indicator to the Magnetic Compass.

Weight and Balance Information

Pilot: 78kgs
Luggage: 10kgs
Fuel: 116kgs (160lts)


Weight for Hay to Narrandera

Weight for Narrandera to Cootamundra

Explanation of the Flight Card (to be supplied prior to the flight)

The first column shows the waypoints as shown on the VFR Maps.
LSALT: This is the Lowest Safe Altitude. Which involves reviewing 10nm either side of Track and noting the highest elevations. Then finally adding 1,000’.

ALT: The planned cruising altitude based on observing the ODD +500’ for travelling East and EVEN+500’ for travelling West.

TAS: This is the True Airspeed for the C172

TRK: This is the direct track to the next waypoint.

WIND: This is the reported wind for the area of the waypoint, reported in Direction and Speed. (currently blank)

HDG: This is the adjusted heading to track, based on the reported winds. THIS IS THE HEADING YOU FOLLOW FOR THE EVENT (currently same as TRK).

GS: This is the calculated Ground Speed, based on the reported winds.

DIST: This is the distance to the next waypoint.

ETI: This is the time to the next waypoint, based on the calculated ground speed. THIS IS WHAT YOU USE TO TIME WITH THE STOP WATCH.

EET: This is the elapsed time during the route to each of the waypoint.

ETA: This is the Estimated Time based on when we planned to take off.

FR: This is the remaining fuel based on a starting amount of 160 ltrs (see the fuel sheet for details of usage along the route).

160: This is the fuel figure at the start of our flight - 160 lts. The amount of fuel at our landing airport is also listed for reference.

REV: This allows us to enter revised fuel figures along the route.

ATA: This is the Actual Time you record when reaching the waypoint. Example if we took off at 0900z and it took you 19 minutes to get to the first waypoint, you would enter 0919.

These are the only fields that are important for the event.

I will issue the Flight Card, with all this information once I get up to date weather just prior to the event.

Print this flight card out for your easy reference during the flight (Note: only available up to the date of the flight): Dropbox - Flight Card.pdf - Simplify your life

Event reminder …

Weather/Nav/Fuel information to support the flight.