Auto pilot just going in circles and sometimes rolls the plane over

PC, Steam, FBW A320neo, A/THR enabled, 16000feet managed and select mode

I´m in managed on the ground, but in the air it suddenly (any phase of flight) switches to select and I can´t turn it back on. I use legacy cockpit interaction mode, I see the small arrows, but no matter how and which buttons I click, it doesn´t switch. Could you help me with this or you don´t know how to fix it ?

I can’t help.

I don’t know what 16000feet managed and select mode means.
I don’t know what legacy cockpit interaction mode is.
I don’t know what small arrows means.

If the legacy reference is to Flight Model = Legacy, then I don’t know anything
about it. I use Modern.

16000 feet in the air ? Altitude ? You asked for it. managed and select mode like the altitude modes. I don´t know how to describe it.
I´m sorry if it´s not called cockpit interaction mode, I thought it is. But it´s not flight model. I also use modern flight model. The small arrows only appear in the legacy “cockpit interaction mode”.

Its the way you interface with the switches there is legacy and locked

I dont fly the FBW A320 personally but what would help would be a screen shot of the pfd and mfd when this happens its hard to know what the Ap is doing and what is in selected mode and what is in managed mode

Might have been suggested, but is everyone checking to make sure they don’t have a runaway Calibration issue with their flight controls? Especially after hearing trim is set to one extreme (as it’d be trying to correct a constant pull/push left/right input).

Just trying to rule out the obvious issues first…

The solution for me was to either disable/uninstall the Garmin G1000 NX mod.
After that I had no issues.

Where you switching between cockpit view and external view?

Reason I ask is…

This is a confirmed Bug in Sim Update 12. Asobo said they fixed it in Sim Update 13, but unfortunately it looks like only fixed for G1000 planes. Many other planes still have this bug. Here is the original Sim Update 12 bug thread on this bug.

I think you will see that if you go back into cockpit mode, the autopilot catches up again.

Uhm, turned out to be an issue between the chair and the joystick. I was very stupid and I admit I should have researched a little bit. My flight plan was a mess with 4 discontinuities :smiley: I’m sorry.
Thank you all :slight_smile: