Auto pilot just going in circles and sometimes rolls the plane over

Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version?
MS Store Version

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?

Brief description of the issue:
Turn on Auto pilot when in the Air. Press the Nav Button.
The plane will turn in one circle forever. I turned the AP off and corrected the course. Pressing the AP button again violently turns the plane back in a circle even sometimes causing the plane to flip over and crash.

Heading Button works. The CDI is set to GPS. The FP shows an active flight plan to the next location.
This happens on a variety of aircraft and a variety of Control systems.

I do not know why this happens. Sometimes when I create a flight it works with no problems. Then other times I see this issue happening. Does anyone know what could be causing it? I wouldn’t think a real life AP would invert the plane for any reason.

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Unknown, Sometimes it works fine sometimes it doesn’t

PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:
6900xt and 5900x

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Build 7 but also happened in build 6

If you have the WT GNXi installed, desinstall it, restart the sim and retry.

Are you referring to the “Garmin G1000 NXI”? I was considering uninstalling this one but since the issue affects planes that don’t use the Garmin 1000 I had previously ruled this out.

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Yes, the Garmin G1000 NXI from Marketplace.

That’s the problem.
Not many people are talking about that and WT acts like it’s not so bad because everybody should fly planes with a G1000.
For me, a G1000 mod interfering with others A/P is a major issue and should even not be released in any way.
Absolutely not a respectful behavior for users !


There’s a bug thread you can vote on. I created it a few weeks ago.


I uninstalled it yesterday and haven’t seen the problem reoccur. Thanks for helping :slight_smile:


Perhaps good news.
Today I’ve installed the latest version of the NXi (0.9.0 or 0.90 I don’t remember yet) and it seems it no more give troubles with others A/P.
Would be great if you and skypilotYTS could also check it, so we’ll be sure.

Edit: For testing, only installing the NXi is not enough.
You have to fly with it at least one time and after test a plane wich is not using it without restarting the sim.

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That was the behavior observed.

Uninstall, re-install the NXi. Then use a plane with a G1000 and see if it breaks again.

Not just the g1000 ap’s, cessna cj4 did a barrel roll shortly after I turned on the ap. Good thing I was at a high alt. Been getting weird things happening on all the planes using ap.

I just had this issue. Not played for a while and loaded up a flight in A320. As soon as Autopilot engaged it just banks hard to the right and stays there. The speed and altitude seem to be working ok.

Heading is in Managed mode and everything seems to be correct. I cant seem to bring it out of managed mode

Using Logitech flight yoke and throttle and that might need a dead zone?? But where do I do that? I cant see any option for it in either the Logi software or FS.

Really annoying, this used to all work fine.

Good afternoon,

Did you try as suggested above and uninstall the NXi from the Content Manager and then try again?

I didn’t. I assumed that was some 3rd party add on. If so, then it’s not something I have.
Or am I missing something?

Its available free via the in sim marketplace, take a look in your content manager in the sim and see if it’s installed. If it is, uninstall it and test.

Thanks. I have ever added anything so I would be surprised, but you never know. Hopefully that is an easy fix.

Take a look in there and let us know what you find!

Just checked. No sign of that in my content. I just searched for ‘NXI’ and nothing came up

I’ve not spent any time with the A320 so I don’t know if my experience will help. However, my first thought would be to check that you have a flight plan and that the CDI is set to GPS.

Also the dead zone for your controller can be configured in the controller options page.
If you think that might be the cause of the issue though I would unplug it and see if the problem is still happening.

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Thanks, I will have a look at that. I have never had to set the CDI to anything once loading up a flight and it has always worked, but it is certainly worth a look of course, good idea.

Good shout as well on the joystick. Will have a go at those things. Thanks

Had this again yesterday. The day before everything worked great having done the dead zones on the controller, but yesterday it was back! Can’t see how anything was different. Once I manually got it up to about 20,000ft it wouldn’t veer right the whole time, it would go that way and then correct itself back on course, and then go right again and correct, just continuously

Hello, Someone have issues with autopilot on c700 or cesna longitude, most airport when engage autopilot in air the plane turn over and go to crash, It happening scince the last update. When i disengage autopilot to prevent a crash the flight control is respond not corectly like a tank on aircraft, unstable to pilot on manual. Those hapen cold start or on runway. I make a lot of request no answer, hiphip hoora microsoft

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