Auto rudder in activities for disabled users

Hi, I am a quadriplegic and cannot use rudder pedals… I have auto rudder selected in the accessibility options, however when I go into the activities area auto rudder is not enabled. Is it possible for developers to have auto rudder available in the events and activities as well.

Well that blows. I use that feature as well. I am not disabled though, I just ■■■■ lol. I am with you though, if its not a “game” you should be able to do it however you want. And in your case for sure. Even if that isn’t the case what about people using simple joysticks or xbox controllers? Trying to control the rudder with those things isn’t what I would call exciting.

I’m with you. As a paraplegic I can’t use rudder pedals. I have reported this to the Zendesk since version when auto coordination (sfht+ctrl+u) first got broken and they just seem to ignore it. I can’t taxi aircraft on the ground at all. I typically wither crash on takeoff or landing just because I can’t steer the plane. Its just awful!

Thanks Twangy for your response to this issue… You do know that auto rudder is available for your normal flights through the accessibility area, it just doesn’t work for the events or activities. Hopefully if enough people respond maybe something will get done. Fingers crossed.

Yes I know what you mean Vlad, thanks for your support. It would be good to hear from one of the Devs though.