A320 and dreamliner auto throttle not functioning and holding selected speed. Dreamliner throttle hold button says not available when selected
What’s your thrust lever setting with A/THR engaged? On the A320 it makes a difference.
I have tried various settings. I watched a you tube where a pilot said leave on take off detent but this does not work. I have an airbus Hotas with an airbus throttle quadrant
The a320 A/THR does work, try puting your thrust level on CL on both engines before engaging it and see if that help, otherwise you might have to reinstall because something might be corrupted.
I am also using the airbus TCA Quadrant
The CJ4 seems to have the same issue. Spend the entire flight hearing," OVER SPEED, OVER SPEED". I can’t get the auto speed to hold.
When A/T of 787 doesn’t work, try to push V/S to FPA button and Move your a york or joystick until AP disenagaged. Then Turn off AP, LNAV, VNAV, A/T arm and A/T. Aftet that Turn on again AP systems. In my case it works.
CJ4 doesn’t have an auto-throttle, you have to set it manually.
True. I fly the Longitude most with it’s auto throttle.