Autogen airports too dark

Hello everyone!

Lately I’ve been a lot at night time and I noticed that the majority of stock airports are EXTREMELY dark at night, borderline having no lights at all. Most of the airports I know from real life of course are not like that. I mean, to the point that aprons and taxi ways are almost completely dark.

I’m attaching a pic of Sao Paulo Congonhas airport at night, just landed there. As you can see, the airport is almost a black hole, the brightest light comes from my A320 parked there.

Same happens with other airports like SCEL (Santiago de Chile, Chile), SABE (Buenos Aires, Argentina), SKRG (Medellin, Colombia).

I’ve tested some custom airports (SKRG for example) and they look more closely, at least in terms of lighting, to real life. I can bear with not having a perfect life-like airport stock, but I expect it to be at least with a “natural” lighting.

Am I missing something in config or have you noticed something similar?

Thanks and best!