I would like to suggest that when an aircraft spawn at a gate that the Jetway be automatically connected, or allow you to request the jetway to be connected before starting the aircraft power. In real life, the plane would already be connected to the jetway to allow the pilots and crew to board the plane.
When spawning at a gate (cold & dark), it would be neat to have the jet bridge still attached, bags being loaded, and power supply already attached.
(I understand that I can call these features 1 by 1)
When launching a flight in C&D state, the jetway and luggage cart should be attached and Ground commands would detach.
Can we please have jets loaded up already connected to the Jetways! 1. It makes sense…how else would the pilot get inside the plane and 2. The jetway doesn’t always connect 3. If it does, it glitches where you can see through it. Please!
That’s why I start my flight with External Cam as a default, so I can connect the jetway first from the outside before switching to cockpit camera using the Toolbar Pushback.
So when you start with external cam, you never have any issues?
Well I am using Toolbar Pushback addon… (which I realised just now this is an Xbox topic, that doesn’t have access to it). So while I have no problems starting from the external cam. I am coming from PC with an addon. So yeah… disregard everything I said…