Autopilot does not activate Approach mode

I’m not sure if it after the latest update or for some other reason (Can i have done something?), but regardless of plane (autopilot) the autopilot will not switch to Approach mode. With or without a flight plan i am approaching the airport in heading mode at an altitude set in the approach chart. When i press the App button the Approach mode is armed (app/app nav and G/S), but the the autopilot will not activate the new modes. The nave radio is set to the correct frequency and i can still follow the glide path manually.
I have ben trying for a week now with different planes, different types of flightplans and at different airports, but no luck.
In the attached picture i have not yet disengaged the autopilot to land manually, but i flew all the way to the runway without getting GS or LOC to engage. Please tell me if you can se any setting i have missed.

Not sure what’s going on…
I flew the same approach as yours ( from VEPAX initially using only “heading and altitude” hold and aimed toward the destination airport). Figured out VEPAS was too far out :grinning: :grinning: but flew in from there anyway. I did not have a flight plan (other than the direct to the airport line), so the airplane doesn’t “know” that I want an ILS approach there…just that the airport is my final destination. So I had to manually activate the “appr” button and then it locked the GS when I was in range, and the LOC when it got around the middle of the scale.
You said you set up a flight plan and it didn’t work there either. Did you set it as an IFR flight (high or low), and specify the ILS approach in the setup of the plan? I don’t think the AP will automatically select “appr” and lock on the LOC/GS unless it’s specified in your flight plan. I’m not sure what the AP will do if you just set the IFR plan to “automatic” at the destination airport and you get assigned and ILS approach. I don’t know if it will automatically select the “appr” or not in this case. I’ll try to fly it again later and see what happens. I normally set a specific ILS approach at the destination (if that’s what I want to fly) and the AP automatically changes to “appr” at the appropriate time.
Hope this make sense to you. Let me know if you have any other questions and we’ll try to work it out.

It sounds like: you did not file an IFR plan in advance.

Is this true?

If so, you must Load and Activate an Approach inside the cockpit using the Garmin.

Then fly this approach using the Transition all the Way to FAF, following the published altitudes at the fixes.

If it’s an ILS approach, the GPS will switch to LOC1 as long as you were in APR prior to the FAF. (Magenta to Green on the OBS)

Additionally, as long as you were at or slightly below published altitudes at the fixes, the GS will be detected and switch from Armed (White) to Green (Tracking) and you should see Vertical Guidance as the plane starts to descend under control.

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As an addon to my earlier comment, just for clarity,
I set up an IFR Flight plan back into the same airport and left the approach on “automatic”. When I got near the airport, it set up a VOR/DME approach, and even after I set up and flew the procedure (in the 930), it did automatically change to the VOR at the fix, it doesn’t go into “appr” mode, probably because it’s a non precision approach and you have to hand fly it basically. So between what CasualClick and I have said, hopefully you can get the approaches going correctly.

As I understand it, for the APP to work you need either an ILS frequency set and approach the runway at the specified altitude to capture the glide slope at a specified distance from the runway (indicated on e.g. jeppesen charts). That would be a precision approach.

Or you need a preprogrammed flight plan with a selected RNAV approach in the flight computer and also approach this one at specified altitude as per the relevant approach chart. That would be a sort of non-precision approach because you cannot fly this one on AP to the ground but just to the decision altitude.

For me those approaches above work when pressing the APP mode while in NAV mode first.

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Same things happened, not all the airport but some. That’s a bug for sure.:ok_hand:t2::flushed: