Autopilot for helicopters?!

Hello! Could an autopilot for helicopters be possible in the future?


for what reason you want this feature for helicopters? This depends also to type of AP, helicopter. For general usage of helicopters (no special procedures expected) is not required to my opinion.

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Hi! Bell Helicopter introduces new Bell 407GX autopilot.


you mean that kit from year 2014? It’s for 407GX version and is for G1000H??? equiped helis.

Maybe in the future we have a version like this.

As i said,

it was developed for US and Canada regional requirements and for G1000H equipment. In this case, we need have probably also that type of helicopter with avionics. To me personally is waste of time because I want fly helicopter with its profile not hover with AP or set some AP option.

I understand, but you are right up to a point. From a personal perspective, you want to fly as it is configured, assuming that there are others like me who are also called buyers of the game and as long as we have the right to an opinion, I don’t see why it would be a waste of time. I personally would also like such a version. Don’t get me wrong.


Airbus H145 full equiped :slight_smile:


aaaaaah sry for that if you feel like I have something against your opinion,

absolutelly nothing, also I mentioned ‘in my opinion…’ - to me personally, so I understand and apologize if you feel opposite. Simply with some experience IRL and very long time in simming, it is very easy then select what you need and what you don’t want. All best…

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You have my vote. Great idea. For the 407 it would be nice to have a SAS implementation as well, like the Dreamfoil 407 in XP.

Minimum Autopilot Couple modes:

  • Heading
  • VS
  • Alt Hold

One nice idea for the Bell 407 :


FD :



AFCS detailed :


Yeah, take H145 and you will have full package or free H135 :slight_smile: The best helis on the market :slight_smile:


I agree. A SAS would be a great addition to the 407. Including HDG, NAV and ALT hold.


That’s the one that is in the Dreamfoil 407. Wouldn’t mind if the HeliSAS is added.

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If this video is not convincing people that the 407 CAN have and MUST have an autopilot, then I don’t know.

Very early in this thread @OMICO4146 asked … “for what reason you want this feature for helicopters?”

My personal answer goes like this:

  • I love touring planet earth with MSFS
  • … and I love to go on long trips … like 3+ hours … and this only makes fun with an autopilot
  • Many remote places have short airstrips … and a heli will allow me to take-off and land anywhere
  • And obviously … manually flying a heli is so much fun … because they are agile and challenging

So for me the best combination is …

  • a heli with an autopilot (which I can turn on, when I want to just enjoy the scenery)

As was already mentioned, the H145 is a perfect example for a heli which has such features in real life and in the sim.


I couldn’t have said it better.

May I add? Flying on VATSIM one can switch the autopilot on while tuning the frequency on the radio. I did my first helicopter flight on Vatsim the other day. When I looked down to tune my radio I started climbing without noticing. An autopilot would have saved the day. Even if you hand-fly, switch it on, do other things, and return to hand-flying if you must.

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A rough guess, 99.9 percent of all helicopter flights are VFR and 100% of all helicopter flights are outside of RVSM airspace, let it climb.

A super modern helicopter like a H145 is easy to control by a dumb AP system, a steel connection from the cyclic to the swash plate is not and autopilots in such helicopters are extremely unreliable, just for a heads up. It‘s probably not that difficult to develop well-working autopilots, enough examples are available in other sims but don‘t be surprised or frustrated if it turns out that it‘s easier with less required attention to fly it manually :smiley: Just press AP and NAV in a B206 or 407 would be totally unrealistic though. Expect headwind from the community ^^

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