Autopilot not working properly in External View

Yes, understood, but I do not use the AI assistance for anything, this is just about the autopilot function of various aircraft not working as they should.


A video (with an audio explanation) of exactly under what conditions this is happening in, would greatly help anyone trying to help you.
In particular AP settings + occasional overall cockpit view / scans

Ideally, demonstrated in on of the simpler MSFS base Planes. ( C172 ideally )

Thanks - I was hoping the small update to the build from yesterday would have helped, but on trying two quick flights this morning in the 172 and the 208, the issue is still there.

I’ll try a few more flights when I have the time and record them when there is a course change coming up to see if I can capture it.

OK, I think @MagicQuasar1176 might be on to something, but my results are by NO MEANS definitive.

Last weekend, I was flying the 748 and was in external view. I left to grab some water, came back, and my plane was flying in a large circle. Stopped following the waypoints on autopilot.

I need to see if I can reproduce this now that a new beta update came yesterday.

Hi moxiejeff, and thank you for posting.

It is very definitely a problem, and what you experienced is one of the symptoms I also noticed. In external / chase cam view, the aircraft may begin a turn at a waypoint but not stop turning once it reaches the desired heading - either that or it will not make the initial turn at all. Altitude can also be randomly gained or lost.

This is definitely still an outstanding issue following the most recent beta update.

To test further, just select a bush trip that uses the 172, 208, DA62, TBM930 or the Cub, engage the autopilot asap in the climb, then switch to external view & see what happens. Every time I have tried this, it has stopped following the correct heading and altitude, sometimes immediately and sometimes after it correctly passes a few waypoints. Selecting a bush trip with lots of short distances between the waypoints will speed up testing, I’ll try some myself and revert.

Here is a video from the xbox capture tool that shows the issue:

This is from the French / Pyrenees bush trip in the game, using the standard DA40. The aircraft is on autopilot in NAV mode and following the purple line. Right at the start of the video you can see the issue - the aircraft is has just flown past a waypoint where it should have changed to 278, but it remains at the previous heading of 271 and is increasingly deviating from the purple line. Switching back to interior / cockpit view, and the aircraft immediately rights itself to follow the correct track.
Everything you need to see is in the first 60 seconds, the rest of the trip to the airport it followed two course changes correctly - as I mentioned, it does not happen every single time, but it does happen frequently. The captured example was the second time in this 24 minute flight that it failed.

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Thank you for the views. Could anyone seeing this topic or experiencing this issue please share your comments, testing, videos or whatever, and importantly vote on the topic? I’d be particularly interested if anyone has found a fix in-game!

As per above, if this problem doesn’t get noticed and resolved ASAP, and the fault makes it into the final update, then lots of others are going to notice it very quickly, and will be clamouring for a hotfix so something gets done.

Hey Magic - so after experiencing one time a couple of weeks ago, I am not able to repro the issue. In fact, as I type, I am flying in external cam view and my plane is following everything exactly, in the PMDG 737.

If you’re still having this issue a lot, maybe tweak your sensitivity settings on your controls? Wondering if somehow your controls are too sensitive and it causes your autopilot to disarm?

Hi Moxie,

That’s good to hear! I was hoping the recent update to the beta would fix it, but it is still happening for me. I had two incidents on short flights yesterday, and on one occasion I noticed the flight director’s green and purple chevrons in the pfd were pointing far away from where I would have expected, and on moving back to cockpit view they suddenly moved back to the expected positions as the aircraft righted it’s course and climb rate.

I haven’t changed anything on my controls since this issue has been happening, but could you clarify what you mean regarding sensitivities?

A long, long time ago (i.e. right around the launch of MSFS 2020 on PC) people kept saying/claiming that AP was broken or LNAV wasn’t working because the plane wasn’t following the flight plan. Turns out, their sensitivity settings on their controls were too sensitive, causing the autopilot to disengage.

Are you certain that you don’t see your issue while you’re in the cockpit (assuming you’re on AP already?)

You can change sensitivity settings by “calibrating” your controls in the settings menu.

I am not the only one!! This has been happening to me with the C208 and the CJ4. The plane banks to the one side and enters an ascending spin or descending spin. Only in external view. Entering internal view and telling the autopilot to redirect to a waypoint gets the plane back on track.

Ah, OK, I see what you mean now.

That isn’t the case here. The stick and other controls were untouched, and the AP is still engaged according to the cockpit display. In external / chase cam view, the aircraft will be following the purple line but when it reaches a waypoint and should change course, it just keeps going on the same course instead of turning. You can see exactly this in the video I posted above.

Staying on the previous heading isn’t the only issue though, it can sometimes drift off course between waypoints, and randomly gain or lose altitude, all with the AP engaged. It only happens in external view, and moving back to inside the cockpit - without touching any other controls - will see the aircraft correct it’s heading and altitude.

Yes, what I have experienced and described seems very similar.

I had it happen this morning again in the C208. AP was engaged and I was not touching the controls, just sitting back and enjoying the scenery. The aircraft missed a waypoint turn and continued on the previous heading, so drifting away from the purple line and simultaneously losing altitude.

Switching back to cockpit view is all I have to do for the aircraft to right itself, and turn onto the correct course and restore the selected altitude, literally no input required from me other than changing the view.

Here is another video of the same issue, still happening.

This was flying the recently-added eastern US tour spotlight / discovery flight, from Stewart to Ronald Reagan. It starts inside the aircraft which is flying level at 1,800 feet on autopilot in GPS / NAV mode and following the purple line, 30 seconds before it reaches a waypoint where it is due to change course from 251 to 241 as you can see from the Garmin screens.

I switch to external view and you can see the aircraft flies right past the waypoint and doesn’t change course as it should. Within two minutes it drifts further off course, and also begins an uncommanded climb.

Switching back to the internal view, and you can see the aircraft then immediately moves to correct both course and altitude:

How do I ensure that the right people are seeing this to be able to do something to correct it, before the final build goes live with this error? I notice some posts are flagged as “Feedback Logged,” but it’s not clear how to get this status.


same issue here with the pubblic release expirenced with the longitude, cockpit camera works fine, changing camera to the external the aircraft ignore new input from autopilot and mantain the last one he gave to it, example if you change camera during a 10 degrees turn the plane will continue to do that turn at that degrees forever unsless turning back in the cockpit resuming follow the autpilot input

Thanks for commenting, and sorry to hear that others are still experiencing this. Do please add your vote too, the more the merrier.

The issues are persisting for me too, completely spoiling low and slow sightseeing trips, and I expect that now the update has been made public there will be more people picking up on it.

Very disappointed that the problem was not acknowledged and dealt with prior to the public release.

:wave: Thank you for using the Bug section, using templates provided will greatly help the team reproducing the issue and ease the process of fixing it.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons?


Which aircraft are you reporting an issue about? (Please also add the proper tag for it)

787 and 747

Brief description of the issue:

If you leave the plane flying in external camera mode for long enough (not sure how long it takes), it will ignore the specified route/heading and altitude.

On a 787 flight out of EGLL (I left in external camera for about 30 mintues), it ended up circling around the airport and going from my specified altitude of FL230 to FL370.

On a 747 flight from KLAX to YSSY (I left it in external camera for about 9 hours), it went past FL320 to FL350, and I found the plane hundreds of miles off course.

When I switched back to cockpit view, the plane slowly descended to the specified altitude and rolled towards the next waypoint.

Also, see this thread: Autopilot not working properly in External View (credit to the author, as I hadn’t made the connection that external view might be causing the issue)

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Load a flight in the 787 and/or 747. Take off and enable the autopilot. Once above ~10K feet/FL100, ensure that the altitude is set and the aircraft is in LNAV and VNAV (or SPD) mode. Change to the external view and leave the aircraft for some time. Watch the path and altitude using a 3rd party program, such as Navigraph Charts, Volanta, Vatspy, etc.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

Win 11, 3080, Thrustmaster Boeing yoke, Honeycomb Bravo, Thrustmaster Airbus sidestick

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Last beta of AAU_02 and currently

:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

I have tried the PMDG 737-700, another aircraft that I often use, just like the Longitude. The 737 has no problem following the AP (Autopilot) with the external view. Another thing I noticed while testing the Longitude is that if you set a heading, it performs the maneuver and follows it even in third person view. The issue of not following the route only occurs when using the NAV (Navigation) mode, in which case it behaves as I described above. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the opportunity to try other aircraft yet, but I plan to test the Dreamliner soon.

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?


Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

Existing bug on Cesna 208 Grand Caravan two.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

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Adding my 2¢ following your comment on my Facebook post this morning:

Tried out the new update flying a quick hop between Seattle and Portland yesterday morning with the default 747. It seems that when I am in either exterior view that the 747 does not stay on the flight plan but will drift. It will correct when I go back to the cockpit view. I created a flight plan using Navigraph and entered it manually into the FMC. Just curious if anyone else is experiencing this.
The first time, I left it in the drone view while it was in a turn and walked away from it for about ten minutes. It ended up probably 50 miles off course. The second time was in the exterior camera view and it just drifted off the flight plan a mile or so. Going back to cockpit view was enough for it to correct and turn to intercept the track.