AvUK Flying Club - UK Tour Part 4 - Wolverhampton to Brough

Who are AvUK?
AvUK are a casual group of aviation enthusiasts from all over the world (despite what our name suggests). Whilst most of us are indeed British, we have members from all across Europe and beyond.

Our focus in on General Aviation and Bush Flying, naturally, we fly a lot of VFR!

All decisions within the club are held to a community vote, the idea is to have the club functioning as a community, rather than particular members calling the shots. All members are free to host their own events and spend time with the community as and when they see fit. There is no minimum attendance requirement or silly rules!

Saturday the 4th of March. I expect the flight will last 2 or so hours. please arrive a little early just to get things set up so we can depart promptly.

North Europe

Sim Time

Flight Description
I hope you like rivers!

We’ll be departing from Wolverhampton (EGBO) and passing over several cities - Firstly Birmingham, then we’ll be checking out Warwick castle before enjoying the American style layout of Milton Keynes, next we will go to the home of the well educated - Cambridge.

After Cambridge, we will follow the Great Ouse River north until we reach The Wash. We will then head inland again along the Haven and Witham rivers, passing over Boston as we do.

We will pass over Lincoln, where we can take a look at the Lincoln Cathedral before following the River Trent north.

At the end of the River, we will reach The Humber, just off the coast we will find our destination, Brough Aerodrome which is unfortunately retired as of 2013, but still going strong in the land of MSFS.

I suggest we use some small single engine aircraft, something along the lines of a Cessna 172, Diamond DA40, Beaver etc. Anything that can comfortably cruise between 110-120Kts

We will assess on the day, my first choice would be to fly using live weather, however if this is not permitting we will use a calmer preset

How do I join?
Come say hi over at our Discord and check out the events page! AvUK Flying Club