Aerosoft just released a short video of their upcoming Twin Otter.
Looks good … Flaps seemed to move very fast… I must assume that Aerosoft know what they are doing, and they really do move that fast …
Maybe this is what the market is looking for and wants, a pretty looking plane from the outside.
Personally, I’d be a lot more interested in seeing a Video of the Inside, and the Instrument panel, and how it performed in a crosswind takeoff and landing.
Yeah they released some pics of the cockpit earlier and its all work in progress but I guess they just wanted to show off some of their new exterior techniques and update the community on their progress.
The AS Twin Otter previous versions were wonderful. I have complete faith that they will equal or exceed these old favorites in the MSFS version. A day one purchase without reservations!
Same to me! I really enjoyed this product over at FSX. A plane build for utility all the way. Day One Purchase for me too.
This one I am looking forward too as well, a day 1 purchase for sure!
you really think that’s fast? Could it be that you mistook the aileron movement for the flaps?
Flaps took several seconds to move one “notch.” Just what I would expect.
Loved the twin otter in fsx, well put together, well modelled, and liked the interactive checklists.
A great go anyway plane, hopefully this version for msfs will be just as good
Duhh… yes … There are certain post that one wishes they had never made !!!
Thanks … back to Ground School for me !!
There seems to be a weird blur around the wheels when rolling fast, but beyond that she’s a beauty. With particle effects hopefully making an appearance next Tuesday, I really hope they have amphib and float versions as part of the release!
They will be!
Will the cargo version be available too?
The FSX version had a cargo version of the Twin Otter and I liked that one, these were true bushflight adventures.
Everything could have been in there from a caught alligator to the Resident Evil 3 Nemesis or even more exotic stuff like a whole movie collection delivery for cinema conaisseurs living in the outback without us pilots getting told anything about that freight…
I liked that mysterious box in the back of the cockpit…
I ‘think’ the ailerons droop with flap extension to provide further STOL capability, so both move together a little.
Yep the wheel blur. That’s what I picked up too but otherwise looks very good.
The wheel blur is embedded into the sim, so is prop spinner blur. It would be better if Asobo could remove both blur effects, or at least reduce them.
That wheel blur is stock MSFS20 when blur in the settings is set to ultra.
It’s in the Graphics settings - near the bottom.
No wonder I didn’t remember seeing that - I have mine turned off completey.
Thanks guys, I overlooked that setting - I’ll switch it off as well.