Axis and Ohs Concorde Help

Hi all, I don’t know if this is the right spot to post, first post sorry, please let me know if there’s somewhere better.

On the MSFS DC Designs Concorde, using a Stream Deck and Axis and Ohs, I’m trying to manipulate 3-way fuel pump and valve switches. I can toggle the 2-way switches with the ‘FUELSYSTEM_VALVE_TOGGLE’, but whilst I can read the values (1 or 0) for the 3-way switches, I can’t seem to toggle them.

I’ve tried variations of FUELSYSTEM_PUMP_ON/, and FUELSYSTEM_PUMP_SET but nothing. I can see the event in the AAO event listener, but I can’t move the switches.

Does anyone have any ideas?

TIA :slight_smile:

Hello @SirIvan8393,
Welcome back!

I have moved your topic for you and added the axis-and-ohs tag.

Isn’t there a Profil on for the Concorde? Maybe that helps.

I don’t have the Concorde, but I know you will find Axis and Ohs Help and Support on the Avsim Forums:

AxisAndOhs Support - The AVSIM Community

Good thinking, unfortunately I wasn’t able to find one

Ok thanks, I’ll ask over on there :slight_smile:

Seems like I didn’t do a very good search, thank you :slight_smile: