B787 Time Accel

Is there a better way? The only way I’ve found to determine what time accel you have selected (in cases like me when you’ve forgotten which accel you used last) is the very small digital clock underneath the round analog clock in the upper left of the instrument panel. The analog clock doesn’t speed up darning accelerated time, as I found out landing in accelerated time because I thought the clock was showing regular time. It was, but the a/c was in accelerated time. Exciting. The only other way I’ve found to determine if I am in accelerated time is to go external view and look at the rotating beacon on the belly of the a/c. If you are accelerated it is fairly obvious due the rapid blinking of the beacon.

I know there are some third-party tools for this… a quick search for “sim rate” on flightsim.to shows up this add-on which may help:

Good luck!

Thanks Vib. I am always reluctant to add 3rd party addons so I’ll skip that since I have found a way.
Thought maybe I was missing something obvious in the cockpit. Now if I could just find the spoiler indicator…