Back after 8 months...sim is worse?

After leaving the sim for 8 months, I decided it’s time to come back. Surely a lot of the small annoyances will be fixed. I wiped my drive to reinstall Windows and the sim. Nothing else has been installed.

Sim now takes about 10 mins to load. Never had that before.
Sim often totally freezes with no interaction possible. Never had that before.
Sim won’t let me choose a parking spot. Never had that issue before.

I chose kphx and chose a runway. It immediately changed my departure to “AIRBORN 8489Ft.”

Now I feel like I’ve gone back the 8 months. All I want to do is sit and fly…not hope, on every launch, that my session will last. Imagine coming back after that long and it’s only worse.

Did you try picking a starting position from the drop down menu at the top, rather than the map? It sounds like you either mis-clicked, or clicked through to the terrain below.

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“Sit and fly” that’s what happens to me every day :grinning:
Leaving MSFS for 8 months was an error. Too much updates to download and install…

I think coming back was an error LOL

Yeah it took a couple of days to get everything installed and configured again :slight_smile:

Hello. Whether I choose the spot by using the dropdown menu or right-clicking on a spot, I get the same results. Airport is selected since it gives me the name and parking positions

Definitely not seeing that myself. Do you get this for airports other than KPHX?

I am not seeing that type of mess either… I am running a completely core sim, no addons at all, nothing in my community folder. Something is definitely amiss with your new install.

Can you do a video of of you choosing a gate so we can see exactly whats going on. Don’t think anyone else is having this problem so it is more likely you are doing it differently to the rest of us

Never heard of this one before. Either your install is broken, or something is not right in how you’re setting it up…

A video would be great.

Had this problem too regarding choosing a starting spot that wasn’t on the runway and ready for takeoff. It was most anoying. The solution I found on the forums here is to make sure you’re choosing an aircraft first before choosing a starting spot/gate etc. If you choose the starting spot first and then the aircraft it will always start on the runway, ready for takeoff.


I think I’ve had that issue with the parking spots not being selectable - it’s a weird bug, because the symptoms are so weakly related to the cause. But see:

When I had (what I think may be) this same problem, it was really caused by the fact that I have Navigraph updates installed on the base game, besides some various specific addons.

When you install the MSFS base pack from navigraph, it adds these few lines to your Content.xml file:

It often happens that an update will overwrite that file.

This causes a failure of the sim to properly load up airport information and other things,
then the first thing you notice of this in the game, is that you can’t select parking spots or any departure/arrival procedures on the map.

In my case, adding those lines back in did fix the problem - Reinstalling the Navigraph base pack should also work, if you don’t wanna do it by hand

This won’t do much about the other two problems you mentioned, though…


I left playing MSFS 2020 2 months ago because I have the logbook file size bug that won’t allow me to get hours. I love MSFS 2020, but Asobo isn’t working hard to fix this bug. Supposedly they have a fix in SU13, but I went and tried the fix and it did not work. And yes, I do experience the bug you are as well. With this said, I can still fly MSFS 2020, just can’t get hours logged. There is the obvious draw for folks like me who can’t gain hours, it is to use the competitor’s simulator. So I feel for ya, it is true Asobo lets bugs age for a very long time. I’m not sure why??

I have seen that gate clicking issue every time. So the next time it happened I paid attention.

I carefully put the mouse cursor on the circle marking the parking spot and clicked - and the cursor jumped and registered a Custom spot instead.

I have to do this 2 or 3 times to get it to lock onto and register the actual parking spot. Very annoying and if you’re not paying attention you end up in the sky already and have to slew back down. Will remember to use the drop down box from now on.

The menu UI in this game is a hot clunky laggy slow mess. Its like wading through quicksand while wearing a suit of armor , a backpack full of cannon balls, ship anchors chained to both feet & gale force winds in your face.

It sometimes does that to me as well. Only solution I have found so far is restart the game and then it’s working properly again

Its not the sim.

Wich hardware?
Latest drivers everywhere (…nothing else has been installed …)?
Content manager is checked for updares?

That’s not my experience at all. You have an install problem either with your Windows, or with MFS.

No, it most definitely IS the sim. This has been going on for years and has been reported many times on this forum. It happens to me all the time - so much so that I’ve gotten into the habit of double-checking before I click the Fly button to verify that the ground-based selection I made was accepted by the sim.


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