Back to night lights before update 5 please

Hello, i was a developer in Xplane with the extended lights.
One of my expectatives with msfs was the previews flying at night.
Everything was ok before patch 5, after that the lights is like xplane with extended mod, but worse!
Xplane have the hability to create your own light source, make any kind of tweak, so the standard mods are awfull and repetitive, no mention of the popup!
I have to mentione the Xplane because the lights after patch 5 i supouse the same method to meka the lights extensions in XP, using OSM data, and using logaritmics to introduce lights sources attached with the HIGHWAY vectors.
The problem using that kind of information, that you cant discrimine rural areas with highway denomination like residential streets, in the same way in any type of vector denomined HW.
I preffer the version before the patch 5 concerned to lights.
I think the only message to de developers was make the light sources smallers or diferent sizes, and make thats lights more visible in the distance.
The new format is a joke, i cant live with the red lights, hath i supouse was a cars red lights, but like now i will back to xplane to flight at night.
Please back lights to the early versions, or tell to the community why asobo change the early versions.
Or just tell us how we can make better


I think it looks better in the current patch than the previous patch. Itā€™s still not perfect of course, and there are still much room for improvement and some issues to be corrected, but I think itā€™s a step in the right direction.

I donā€™t think moving back to before patch 5 lighting is the right way to go. Instead, improve the one we have now for future patches. If you like certain aspects of the previous patch, analyse whatā€™s good in that patch and apply the improvements going forward. Not rolling back the lighting to previous patch and leave it at that.

Because the problem I had before was that terrain emits light themselves, and that looks very weird compared to now where you have actual light sources shining on the terrain. So just need to improve the issues we have right now going forward, but itā€™s already a step in the right directionā€¦

thatā€™s just my personal opinion.


As Iā€™ve said in another similar thread:


Absolutely right. The night lighting before patch 5 was better.

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WAY betterā€¦

prefer before this recent patch, now every road seems to have white lights no matter where they areā€¦ for me unrealistic.

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Agreed. The night lighting looked much, much better before last ā€œupdateā€

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Iā€˜d rather they refined it than rolling it back. Although Iā€™m no fan of the new night lighting either, I think some things got better, e.g. the infamous sepia mask and draw distance. I just hope they keep on improving it and donā€˜t content themselves with the current version.


No please, donā€™t, I think it looks WAY better now than it did before


Instead of ā€œnew vs oldā€ā€¦
How about ā€œany-version vs realityā€?
Old version, (although more eye-pleasing in general), had several shortcomings. ā€œRosy retrospectionā€ aside, going back to those would be a step backward instead of moving forward by trying to match the real world and fix the current issues, and THEN tune it for balance between real and eye candy, colors, brightness-balance and so onā€¦?

If you want the old back, try instead to say specifically WHAT was better with the old, so those improvements can be made instead of moving backwards and bringing the bugs of the old backā€¦?

Too much uniform lamp color / brightness? Too bright? Double floating lamps? Highway-like rural roads?
All these could be fixed without re-introducing the bugs / shortcomings of the old version(s).

Oh God no, please NO!! :man_facepalming:t2:

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Put more votes here guys:

This issue didnā€™t make it to the top bugs list in todayā€™s development update, even with more votes then the ones there.

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Thanks for thatā€¦ I did.

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