Back to the Roots: Bonanza G36 Travels

011: Belgrade (LYBE) → Kumaritsa (LB20).


Yesterday I did not fly over Belgrade as there weren’t any airfields on the eastern side of the city. Today I saw it at least in the distance as I crossed the Sava River south of the Serbian capital near Ostružnica.

What followed was a nice and calm flight across the Serbian countryside. A lot of fields, small rivers as well as a few villages here and there. This shot was taken just outside of Lanovo while approaching the Velika Morava River.

After following roughly the course of Highway A1 I diverted east near Niš to make my way towards the Bulgarian border. Directly below me you can see the village of Čamurlija.

I reached the border near Dimitrovgrad while crossing the valley of the Nišava River.

Entering the plateau on which the Bulgarian capital is located on I passed the town of Slivnitsa before landing at Kumaritsa Airfield northwest of Sofia itself.

Small fact:
Did you know that Emperor Constantine the Great was born in modern-day Niš? Back then it was called Naissus and served as one of the most important permanent military encampments of the Roman Empire on the Balkans. The later Emperor Constantius III. was born in Naissus, too.

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