I don’t recall exactly what the message said, but I’ve had popup messages in mid-flight. They say something about bandwidth & disabling photogrammetry data. Essentially, it’s saying your bandwidtch cannot handle the current photogrammetry. You’re forced to click “okay” or something along those lines, and it changes all your photogrammetry buildings to autogen, and takes away your Bing satellite imagery mid-flight. In the background, it changes the two options in the above screenshot as well, so they’re disabled until you physically enable them again. If it happens again, I’ll take a screenshot of the popup.
Interesting! I have no reason to doubt you. If that’s the case then it really should be included in the system requirements for the software…
Yeah, I have the best internet service available in my area, which is 1GB fiberoptic. I would have assumed that I wouldn’t have these kinds of issues. They only started with the last update. Before the update, I could fly around NYC, Miami, Chicago, LA or anywhere, with no issues at all. Since the update, I got this popup in Nagasaki, Japan, and around Pensacola, FL. Maybe those areas aren’t optimized well, or something. I spent about 2 hours flying very low to the ground in Tokyo without issues either. Doesn’t make much sense to me.
Noticeable difference where? There is very little difference between the two.You just end up saturating more Vram with Ultra textures
Goes back to the poor communication. If we knew how it was supposed to work, we wouldn’t have these problems.
I’m in the US, on Verizon FIOS 300/300 symmetrical fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) aka I have the actual glass wire in my residence. I have repeatedly benched my connection and it is delivering at greater than 100% advertised speed (usually like 320/320). I have not had any throttling issues on scenery that you are describing.
The point that escaped you was that the UI is not telling you the truth about your graphics settings. I suspect that it was in fact set to medium.
Sooo in my opinion and experience. Ive gotten the low connection data turned off message also but only a couple of times and I have 200mbps connection. I dont think its anything to get concerned about unless it constantly happens . Your ISP may have had a hiccup , maybe some work on the system or whatever that caused it and it happened so fast you didnt notice it but msfs did…
As far as stuttering in Japan and Pensacola , sometimes in areas of high player density if you have MP on it can cause issues. So try flying around with MP off.
Especially in Japan with alot of people doing the tour , with MP on its causing people to crash. I crashed twice with MP on doing the tour then turned it off and didnt have any issue.
My two cents , you can keep the change.
Only happened to me twice, so I’m not that concerned about it either. Only bringing attention to the settings in the Data section which can seriously degrade graphics for those that aren’t aware. Thanks for feedback.
No it happen to me twice. While flying a meesage pops up and says due to bandwidth limitations your flight will be offline. It never turns it back on. You have to later.
I don’t use GeForce Experience either as I found out for me it caused more headaches than it was worth. Haven’t missed it.
I saw this message one time in all the hours I’ve flown. If I recall the message was in red too - like WARNING!!!
Very soon here we’re getting FIOS with up to 1G download, so I’ve got my CAT-5e all upgraded to CAT-7 and am standing by. Hopefully that solves it.
Cant get 1G fiber. The phone company will not bring underground line 1000 ft to my whole neighborhood who wants it.
Funny thing is we are situated in a small little community here in Minnesota which makes Mayberry appear like a metropolis. We’ve got currently 25mbs download and 10 up. All these underground utility flags started popping up all over the place and soon after swarms of trucks from Wisconsin who specialize in underground utility placement invaded outr little abode. Our local cable company is forking out to have the entire town looped with fiber optic (of course they’ll make this back and then some for sure over the long run). The cool thing is they have about half dozen tier packages to choose from so there’s something there to fit everyone’s budget and they don’t cap your data.
Keep the faith!
Talk to tech before working on my WIFI. Probabaly never will happen. I stay in a small neighborhood of less than 50 houses out side of Atlanta. The fiber line turned and stop in the 500+ house neighborhood last.
Well good to hear, lucky you… When does your town get running water… ? lolololololol hahahah
From the description, it sounds like photogrammetry/data turned off since it “Looks almost like Xplane” and if it looks that bad, that’s the telltale sign of data turned off.
If your download bandwidth drops under 20 mbps it can turn off (usually, you get a popup). Make sure your internet isn’t clogged and turn it back on manually in the data menu of the options.
But it’s funny to see that the usual toxic suspects ignored it completely and started whining about their perceived downgrades.
We don’t know. The city council voted against it as to inject funds through a co-op with the telecommunications company to a front the FIOS.
BTW, we don’t think it’s particularly funny having to pay for hauled water. #$$wipe.
lol Minnasota land of a thousand lakes, cant have to haul water too far… lol
Actually it’s The Land of a Million Moquitos, but the state thought due to marketing purposes Land of a Thousand Lakes sounded better!
Go check at New York if you see photogrammetry first.
Make sure you are getting data from MSFS and the Azure server, some had Photogrammetry to OFF after update, and others even at ON, did not received any data from the Azure server:
- Start menu, type in “Xbox Networking” and click “Fix It”
- Log out from Xbox and MS Store