BAE Systems Hawk T2

Apologies if this isn’t the place for this… It’s more so that I’m asking if anyone knows of one in development? I know the T1 is in development, and I know there’s a T-45C, but in this (and DCS) I can’t find any evidence of a T2 in the works.

I like old-school stuff as much as the next person, but I also love more modern stuff so I’m suprised nobody that I can see seems to want this!?

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This isn’t like 20 years ago, when you coukd dimply mod the cockpit files a little to get a different cockpit. 3D Cockpit and systems design is very time-consuming and complex in MSFS, so switching out a complete cockpit is probably more work than keeping a cockpit and changing the plane around it.

Currently the only plane I know that is available with glass cockpit AND steam gauges, is the C172.

So I can’t imagine a T2 coming around any time soon. The T-45 would be close enough for my taste if I were interested in a glass cockpit Hawk, even if there are several differences. Bonus: the T-45 is a carrier plane and once the Maverick DLC comes along I’m sure Dino will update it to work on carriers properly

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I’ll be honest, I don’t quite understand your point here. I wasn’t referring to just switching the cockpit around if that’s what you mean?

I meant a full, from-scratch, build of a Hawk T2. And I know that it’s definitely very time-consuming and expensive, I’m just curious to know if there is anyone trying to do this, and if not, why. I would have thought more people were interested in an advanced trainer like this, and being British myself I just think it would be awesome to simulate flying my home country’s Air Force Jet Trainer.

Also absolutely the T-45 is enough for me too, I think it’s a great plane and from what I can tell, it’s been implemented very well into the sim. I’m just looking for options, and to be honest I’m just picky about aesthetics. I love the Hawk T1 shape, but I prefer the T2 :man_shrugging:t2:


There were rumours about Iris doing a T2 for P3D a few years back but it never eventuated and I think his current MSFS project is something like the PC9.

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I’d be shocked if there’s a market for a Hawk T2 with the T1 and T-45 available. If it happens, I would guess it’ll be freeware, or a few years down the road when the SDK is richer and it makes sense to do a new generation add-on.

Or in DCS, where you could hang weapons off it and use it like intended. :slight_smile: Since the Razbam Hawk I paid for his now useless.

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I’ll be honest, I don’t quite understand your point here. I wasn’t referring to just switching the cockpit around if that’s what you mean?

If I may interject, I think his point is that since making a T2 would be a non-trivial amount of work for a developer (even one of the developers who made the T1 or T-45C), and the market of those who would want a T2 and aren’t already satisfied with a T1 or T-45C is probably very small, it’s unlikely a developer would think it worthwhile to make one.

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I thought Milviz was doing one?

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Yeah that makes sense.

Is the Razbam one the T1 from a few years back that died off and was pulled from the sim?

Okay, that’s fair enough then. Still a shame though!

I’ve just checked their site, can’t see anything about a T2. I don’t remember the developer, but there is a T1 being done for sure.

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As a regular visitor to RAF Valley and the Mach Loop as it’s nearby I’d love a T2 Hawk in the Sim…but I’m afraid I’ll be waiting a long time if it ever happens!

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Jealous! I feel like it’s more likely to come to DCS at this point.

Looks like a freeware one is coming very soon but you will need to own both the Hawk T1 by Just Flight and the T45 Goshawk by IndiaFoxtEcho for it to work

Available now at

BAE Systems Hawk T.2 / MK.127 for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS

Really nicely done! And you can use it if you don’t have the Just Flight Hawk T.1, just alias the sounds to the T-45C instead:

In the Aircraft.cfg files for the Hawk and 127 versions, use search/replace to find multiple instances of

and replace that with

Just a stunning model, and nice to be able to properly represent the Canadian Hawks now.