Basic Handling #4 Attitude

Is it possible to pass this lesson with a score of greater than 8000? I have made many attempts, I have attempted to make my Thrustmaster stick as insensitive around neutral as possible. I fly as painstakingly precise as I possibly can, making sure the lines rest evenly on the horizon at each step. Regardless, in the end she tells me to make small adjustments so as to not overshoot, which I never do.

I have been away from MSFS for some time and just updated to the latest as of yesterday. It’s driving me crazy. I’m able to pass all the other basic handling and takeoff and landing with "A"s, but not this one.

My best score was 8992 (and I’m not worried about maxing it at 10,000, so that’s it for me! :grinning:), so it is possible. When you get the scoring screen, is there one block (pitch up/level off/pitch down) that you’re losing most of your points on, or are they all fairly equally scored below the max points? Is the objective box showing green constantly for each phase, or is it going green/white/green, etc? I’ve also noticed that moving into the climb/level/descent should be done quickly (not shoved up/down, but don’t linger getting to the green objective box once you’re directed to take an action.
It’s hard to tell how well different sticks/yokes do for each of us and what sensitivity settings work best for any one of us. The 152 is so light, it will tend to bounce around a bit in that training scenario, so it does provide a challenge to react and keep the appropriate line where it should be located.

Solid green on all maneuvers, no toggling. I seem to get the lowest marks on the leveling off.

She seems to comment the same each time too. “Excellent” on the climb attitude, “OK” on the level attitudes, and “Great” on the descent attitude. And always ends the lesson with “Try to make small corrections…”

Here’s a video of my latest attempt. Granted not my best, but by no means am I flailing about!!

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Thanks for the video. I’ve got a couple of ideas, but I’ll test them out to see if they significantly effect the “level” score in particular, and potentially the other two somewhat.
You’re not far off anything, but the scoring seems pretty sensitive to even minor variations from what it expects.
I will say your performance on these limited skill tests is more than sufficient to pass a practical PPL flight exam.


I know it’s kinda petty, but I’d like to complete all these basics, and to get a sub par score because of what I think is a technical glitch is frustrating.

I’ve verified I don’t have any glitchy signals from the stick. i’ve played with dead zone and sensativity. I have to get my yolk from out of storage to test that.

I just can’t believe the scores are so far off when there’s really not that much room for judgement.

Hi @soupy3712111
I haven’t forgotten you! :grinning:
Still have some things to get done today, but will try and get to some areas I want to check tomorrow!

Well I had mixed results doing my testing. This training session seems very sensitive to even the most minor variations from holding the appropriate line on the horizon. I did 10 tests, some of which I just started the climb/dive/level when she said to do the action, and some I waited to do the action until the “objective” box showed up, but that didn’t seem to have any significant change in points. On the remaining flights, a couple things I noticed happening consistently was that the least points lost seemed to almost always be in the climb portion, and the most points lost seemed to always be in the descent portion. In the descent, as the plane picks up speed, the nose naturally wants to climb a bit, so I had to anticipate that issue to keep the nose where it belonged.
None of these flights were my best efforts, but there were (IMO) only a couple where I should have lost as many points as I did.
Not sure if that information will help you in any way, but some things to consider.

Well, glad you at least agree it’s very sensitive. Did you ever get the “Try to make only small corrections…” comment at the end?

I’ve dialed the stick so dead that I can’t even fly it normally. The transitions are butter smooth and no overshoots. I get the same comments every time, and I can’t get above 7,777… Insane.

I took have tried going immediately to the attitude or waiting for the objective to appear. In either case it goes green right away and stays that way.

Going to get my alpha yoke today. Hopefully that improves things.

Thanks for your testing and insights!

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I always get the “make small corrections” comment. I’m not sure I could make any smaller corrections! :grinning:
Hope the yoke works out for you!

No Bueno… i don’t understand it. But I guess I’m destined to have a blemished record…

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