Behringer X-Touch mini works flawless

I’m learning the ropes around creating my own configurations with X-Touch-Mini-FS2020, specifically for the C208. I’ve set up some of the default funcionts and I want to start with the G1000. As for this task it’s necesary Mobiflight module, I’ve downloaded this one from github:

I’m not sure if this is the correct one. Anyhow I’ve installed into Community folder and I added the next configuration for the range zoom in the MFD:

      "index": 15,
		"event_up": { "event": "MobiFlight.AS1000_MFD_RANGE_INC", "type": "manual", "value": 1 },
		"event_down": { "event": "MobiFlight.AS1000_MFD_RANGE_DEC", "type": "manual", "value": 1 }

X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 starts correctly (no error messages), all the encoders works correctly but this one (in Layer B) doesn’t work.

BTW: I’m using WT G1000 NXi and the C208 mod community.

Any help?

UPDATE: I’ve been trying to set up the Direct to button:

		"index": 20,
		"event_press": { 
			"event": "MobiFlight.AS1000_MFD_DIRECTTO", 
			"type": "manual", 
			"value": 1 

… and it doesn’t work either :frowning:
X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 works correctly. No error messages, it detects when I press the button but nothing happens.

i dont see the compiled community folder mod on the github you posted, you should have a folder called “mobiflight-event-module”. download the mobiflight package from their website and just take that folder.

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Sorry for replying so late.
You were right. I’ve installed the folder “mobiflight-event-module” from mobiflight package and it works correctly. Thank you!

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Another question: Is there a way to avoid the automatic change to layer A when you are in Layer B? I have all the AP settings in layer A and the G1000 in B. Frequently I didn’t notice the change and when I try to interact with G1000 in fact I’m modifying the AP.

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thanks to everybody, i was able to map everything in my planes with the X-touch! garmin, etc… so cool.

After some secondes i have an “AUTOMATIC CHANGE TO LAYER A / layer change to activelayeridentifier.A” (in the CMD windows, and layer A is activate) i don’t why and where it is setup? it’s not usefull in VR ^^
TO BE CLEAR, it only happens after you have chosen Layer B, it’s ok until i stop touching any keys, after the last “touch” 2-3 secondes later, it changes auto on layer A. if i never stop touchings some keys on the x-touch, it’s ok, but :rofl:

i want to manually change to layer A and/or B but not automaticaly

edit: stupid me… it’s the same question of @maddormo ^^

Simvar _led and triggers are only for light or not the xtouch? i don’t need/care in VR
there may be a connection with this

EDIT: Found solution.
in config.json change the timing 3.0 is for 3 seconds before automatic change “automatic_layer_revert”: 3.0 (end of the file)
maybe there is a smarter solution, but if you write 3600 instead of 3.0 for example, no automatic layer change during 1 hour :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :joy:

nb: true or false change with 0.0s delay… X-Touch-Mini-FS2020/ at main · maartentamboer/X-Touch-Mini-FS2020 · GitHub


Thanks for the tip. I’ve discoverd that if you delete the command “automatic_layer_revert” the automatic revert disappears. Don’t forget delete the previous comma too.


i tried to delete yesterday but it crashed, probably forgot the comma :wink:

everything works great but


Exception during execution of template: ‘<’ not supported between instances of ‘NoneType’ and ‘int’
For template: {% set button_index = data.get_global_variable(‘BATT_BUT_IDX’) %}
{% set batt_load = data.get_simvar_value(‘ELECTRICAL_BATTERY_LOAD’) %}
{% set battery_on = data.get_simvar_value(‘ELECTRICAL_MASTER_BATTERY’) %}
{{ data.set_button_led(button_index, battery_on, blink=(batt_load < 0)) }}

Exception during execution of template: unsupported operand type(s) for /: ‘NoneType’ and ‘float’
For template: {% set encoder_index = data.get_global_variable(‘HEADING_ENC_IDX’) %}
{% set heading = (data.get_simvar_value(‘AUTOPILOT_HEADING_LOCK_DIR’) / 27.0) | round %}
{{ data.set_encoder_led_value(encoder_index, heading) }}

Easycontrols for MSFS also included X TOUCH MINI support now, see EasyControls for MSFS » Microsoft Flight Simulator


How do you bind the autopilot’s VNV button? I’ve been searching in but I didn’t find any reference.

Which aircraft? Which tool do you use?

For C208. I’m using X-Touch-Mini-FS2020

You could check the event by opening the developer mode, and the ModelBehaviours window. Then hover on top of the VNAV button and press CTRL-G. It should show you the logic and vars involved.

I have no experiece with the tool you use unfortunately (I use my own tool Easycontrols :grimacing: ).


Great tip! I didn’t know it. I’ll check it out! Thank you!

I’m considering this piece as radio-Garmin-all around knob controller. Do the rotary knobs on this thing have high enough number of registered positions to function as selector for heading bug, CDI OBS knob, and gyro compass course correction etc. (i.e. at least 360)? I understand that the knobs have infinite range of movement, but do they register sufficient number of positions too? What about nav/com radio, can you practically control whole frequency range of single radio with singe knob or do you need to practically use different knob for whole numbers and fractions? Can you use the knob push function to toggle between wholes and fractions?

I’m thinking of first trying some of the free options available and then switching to Axis and Ohs. Appreciate any advice.

I use the rotary knobs for radio frequency but I use two knobs. One for whole digits and another for decimals and then the pushbutton for changing from COM1 to COM2. I don’t know if you can use one knob and a pushbutton for both whole and decimal, but it seems to me you could. I’ve not had the need due to having many un-used dials.

Yes they have quite a few ‘clicks’ in a whole rotation, they work great for alt/heading/com/nav etc. There isnt 360 positions but if you spin them a few times it’ll go all the way around. I think some planes recognize how fast you are spinning it and accelerate the bug.

I have my com/nav knobs set to short click to switch whole/decimal, land long press to swap active/standby

Alright, that sounds good to me. Thanks for the input guys.

Hey guys, could use some help in configuring the button LED for the PMDG 737

So my Config looks like this:

"index": 1,
“event_press”: { “event”: “MobiFlight.PMDG_B737_MCP_CMD_A_SWITCH”, “type”: “manual”, “value”: 1 },
“mobiflightsimvar_led”: "(PMDG_B737_MCP_CMD_A_SWITCH_LED)"

So the button works just fine and toggles the CMD A Switch, but what did i have to write instead of

"mobiflightsimvar_led": "(PMDG_B737_MCP_CMD_A_SWITCH_LED)"

to let the key illuminate when the CMD A Switch is active?

And 2nd question:

Has someone already found the variable for the spoilers of the PMDG 737?

The normal MSFS “SPOILERS_SET” seems not to work here?
I’d like to put the spoilers on the fader like I’ve done with my other planes.

Thank you in advance

i dont have the 737 but try this format:

“simvar_led”: “MobiFlight.PMDG_B737_MCP_CMD_A_SWITCH_LED”

Nope doesn´t work.


“mobiflightsimvar_led”: “MobiFlight.PMDG_B737_MCP_CMD_A_SWITCH_LED”

doesn´t too

is it even possible to illuminate the buttons with such custom simvars or does it only work with the “standart” MSFS variables?