Behringer X-Touch mini works flawless

Hi, you should have look here: Overlays for Behringer X-Touch Mini - Taktility

You can even find white or black blank overlays and then use small printed labels.


Excellent, thx!

Hi guys!

I had the Xtouch configured for the g1000, and it worked flawlessly until last g1000NIX update.
The only thing that doesn’t work as it used to are the VS button and the Enter button.
I had one push button of xtouch to activate VS mode, and a knob to set it.
I now need to push on VS in sim to have it appear on top of g1000 screen and get it activated.
But even if not activated, when I use the knob to set a vs, the plane reacts and goes up or down.

The enter button simply doesn’t work anymore, I also have to push ENT in sim.

Did they change the simconnect commands? The ones I use are :
‘AP_VS_HOLD’ and “MobiFlight.AS1000_PFD_ENT_Push”

Hmmm, I’ll need to check on my own config (although I have a button for VS mode and use separate button presses for +/-).

I never actually use VS now that the NXi has VNAV, and I use FLC for climbing. But the VS mappings are still in place, so I’ll be having a look at that.

The only thing I’ve noticed personally since NXi 0.5.1 is that my 1000’s increase on ALT is not working (I use a mapped button, kind of like a SHIFT key), but 100’s is fine.

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With you can set acceleration ranges for knobs.

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You can, but I could never get it to work for things like the radio frequencies, though it works fine for heading, and course. Same settings, different results.

Sorry. I use FSradioPanel on a tablet as my radio stack.

Did you install the latest NXi update from the marketplace from yesterday? That fixed missing bindings and issues with external hardware. Solved all issues for me.

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I guess I missed that one…
Will keep you posted when I tried again.

EDIT : was indeed simple ^^ Update fixed it indeed. Thanks again!


For the fellow simmers with I’ve uploaded a device snippet to use the x-touch mini with steamgauges ang GNS530/430. I’ve commented my settings for an easy start.

Thanks for the hint with the X-Touch. It’s great for VR!



Thanks a lot for sharing.
Will definitely have a look.

And I made an overlay (with the help of an empty template on Reddit):

Processing: X-Touch Mini GNS530(5).drawio…


I added a few more printable knobs. QNH/Barometer, triangular CRS, and a generic dial with a pointer.


Any chance you could share that as an editable format? I’ve found similar templates as PSDs or other formats, but they were a pain to edit to own needs.

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Great, and you did it on my request!

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I found a template on DrawIO. I edited it for my setup and re-share:

Overlay - DrawIO


Absolutely perfect, thanks a lot. Off to edit the text, print, laminate and install it.

I have a pretty nice setup for the A32NX and the C172. All the z touch mini LED on the buttons light to signify the position of the switch on the aircraft. Even have blinking LED for when the APU is starting up. Then LED on when generating power.

I do have a question. The LED ring around the dials, I should be able to set the LED ring to off or on. I would like the LED ring on (all LEDs lit) when I have a selected mode on the A32NX. I have tried various values to all the channels 0-12. For example writing zero on channel 10 to dial 3 should turn off all the LEDs in that ring and writing 27 should turn them all on according to the handbook.
0·(>MIDI:3:NoteOn:10:3) all LEDs on or 27·(>MIDI:3:NoteOn:10:3) all off.

Channel 1 and 11 operate the button LEDs so I was hoping channel 0 or 10 would do the dial LEDs.

If anyone has the dial LEDs programmed I would appreicate and be of help to get them working.

Heres my function for VS… ring is on when active, off when not.

{% set encoder_index = data.get_global_variable('AP_SPD_ENC_IDX') %}
{% if data.get_simvar_value('AUTOPILOT_VERTICAL_HOLD') == 1.0 %}
    {{ data.trigger_encoder_alternate(encoder_index, True) }}
    {{ data.set_encoder_led(encoder_index, True) }}
{% else %}
{{ data.print(' vs  ' ~ bug ~'  knob ' ~ knobpos) }}
    {{ data.trigger_encoder_alternate(encoder_index, False) }}
    {{ data.set_encoder_led(encoder_index, False) }}
{% endif %}

and for regular dial position things, here it acts like a heading bug:

{% set encoder_index = data.get_global_variable('HEADING_ENC_IDX') %}
{# HEADING_INDICATOR returns in radians but need it in degrees - encoder should show relative bug position #}
{% set bug = (data.get_simvar_value('AUTOPILOT_HEADING_LOCK_DIR')) | round | int %}
{% set hdg = ((data.get_simvar_value('HEADING_INDICATOR') * 180 / 3.1415))   %}
{% set knob = (((bug - hdg) / 27) + 7)*10  | round |int /10 |round %}
{% if knob < 0 %}
	{% set knobpos = knob + 14 %}
{% elif knob > 13 %}
    {% set knobpos = knob - 14 %}
{% else %}
    {% set knobpos = knob %}
{% endif %}
{#{ data.print('hdg ' ~ hdg ~'  bug ' ~ bug ~'  knob ' ~ knobpos) }#}
{{ data.set_encoder_led_value(encoder_index, knobpos) }}


Thanks this is much appreciated. Although I think I should have been clearer in the original post. I am using AxisAndOhs to control the x touch mini from MSFS. If the above code can be sent from AAO I could not see how.

Thanks again and I hope that I am wrong and this can be used with AAO.