Behringer X-Touch mini works flawless

oh sorry, ive been using X-Touch-Mini-FS2020

For example this will turn all leds in first rotary from left
27 (>MIDI:3:CC:1:9)

This will turn all leds from last rotary from right
0 (>MIDI:3:CC:1:16)

CC (last number) is 9 → 16 from left to right

These work only on global channel (so if you change layer A->B it still shows same behaviour as in A layer)

Thanks bLindyee

I did try Using CC, my mistake was using 0-7 for the dials as the last digit in the code.

Looking forward to trying this out.

Hi, how do you fix the 3D printed new knobs to the pad? Just put it over the installed ones?

just yank off the original knobs, the new ones have the same interface for the ‘D’ shaped encoder shaft

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:+1: Thank you!

I really like your templates. Can you tell me what label maker you used? It looks like it did a really good job. Thanks.

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Thanks for your posts.

I really wish I had the brain for this type of thing, using the function method, is it possible to access to the custom FBW A320 LVARS?

I can’t really tell you how to do it but you can definitely access the custom LVARS using mobiflight with the x-touch-mini-fs2020 app.

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yes, i havent tried mobiflight myself but scroll up or click this post link for the how-to Behringer X-Touch mini works flawless - #127 by FraSie9925

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does anyone know, if its possible to let the leds on the ring indicating the correct value?

especially on the A320nx for nav rose and range

In SPAD this can be done by assigning CC values between 1 and 13 to the encoder. Best to add a pause in between to override Xtouch’s internal LED handling,

In your case, NAV VOR would be 5 and RANGE 40 would be 7.

Higher values between 14 and 26 flash the specific LED, 27 lights all LEDs and 28 flashes all LEDs.

The above screenshot is just an example. I usually use SPAD’s Script Panel to update these values, as it’s driven by MSFS data values rather than knob turns.


Thank you, i should say, that i‘m using axis and ohs

You could use MIDIKEY2KEY to control MSFS with any MIDI - Controller.

Ist is super-easy to use!

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This is interesting and could come in handy due to its simplicity.

Not really related to Behringer XTouch itself, but may I also suggest my tutorial on how to use any secondary PC keyboard as a MIDI input to control MSFS.

This has the benefits of:
a) the only hardware requirement is a standard keyboard,
b) the keyboard will be independent of any Windows input, so typing on it will not have any side effects to any app or MSFS itself (unless we’ve explicitily mapped it to do something in MSFS)
c) using it with an app such as it can be mapped to send direct Simconnect events or data changes, LVARs, HVARs etc, rather than keyboard strokes (ie. SIMCONNECT:GEAR_TOGGLE rather than just “G”, which would then need to be mapped in MSFS)

Using the above, I’ve set up a lowly wireless Rii mini keyboard to act as the MCDU input in my WT CJ4 which works perfectly fine. Combined with a couple of Behringers it helps immensely in mouse-less control of the aircraft.

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Hi, I’m just using these labels “Avery Zweckform 13 x 8mm No. 3395” and a laser printer.
I found them at but maybe not available anymore.

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Thank you for the reply, that is a good starting point for me.

I asked this in third party Axis and Ohs discussion, but no response. I am trying to find a way to use the X Touch Mini to operate the drone camera. There appear to be no variables to assign so I can’t set it up. Unfortunately, I would bind in MSFS but it is not recognized as a controller. ( I can assign it to my Axair Miap but would rather have the X Touch because it has more real estate, rotaries and buttons. Miap works fine).

My primary controller for bindings is StreamDeck XL but haven’t figured out if that would work.

Anybody got any ideas?

Don’t know about AAO to be honest but similar workarounds for Spad is to use vjoy. You configure spad to send peripheral input (e.g. Behringer’s) to vjoy’s buttons and axes and then set up vjoy within MSFS, binding each button/axis to a sim command.

Thanks for the reply. I had a suspicion that Spad would probably work. I’m too invested in AAO right now though. Hopefully, there will eventually be a way to incorporate Midi more closely to MSFS controllers somehow.