Belgium airports

When are the following airports available: Brussels (EBBR), Ostend (EBOS), antwerp (EBAW) and
Brussels-South (EBCI)

Compared with previous releases of Microsoft flight simulator versions, I am pretty sure the requested BE airports won’t come from them. In the past, most of them were created by the user community…Have a look @ FB :

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All of them are in the game. :slight_smile:

FSX had Brussels Airport in the shape it was before 2000, so this is an upgrade.
Perhaps, but this is very unlikely, they create it with a Europe or Benelux update in a couple of years. But I do not expect this. :slight_smile:

Aerosoft has announced they are working on Brussels Airport:

The best we can hope for is that the scenery gateway comes along in a couple of months, so we can update them ourselves. :slight_smile:

Yes, and it’s mind blowing that Belgium is the center of the EU and it is ignored. Crazy.