Best accessories to enjoy MSFS 2020 on Xbox?

I’d say the TB V1F! Although I may be slightly biased… :no_mouth: :rofl:

You’re completely right, is a completely different experience flying with a handheld xbox controller to flying with a purpose built yoke or HOTAS.

Check out a few online and see which one would suit you best. There will be a few samples of the V1F hitting game shops ahead of Christmas too, so you might be able to see how one looks and feels yourself, and there’s always the youtube reviews.

If you guys have any additional feedback we’re expanding the portfolio of products so would love to hear what you’re keen on and what we can avoid in future too.

Lots of people wanted our VelocityOne Flight, which is why the preorder stock was sold out so quickly. To sign up for notification of when we’ve got it back in stock, and for more info you can check it out here

or read what I had to say about it here!

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