Best CPU for MSFS2020?

Hello there,

Which CPU is best for MSFS?
And what are the features of overclocking this CPU specifically for MSFS considering that I can overclock Intel CPUs well because I use direct die cooling?

Thanks in advance!

latest and greatest tends to be good
 So I guess the i9-11900K?

I would suggest having a look at this an aim for the one with the highest PassMark CPU Benchmarks - Single Thread Performance

Objectively speaking this question should be answered by doing your own research without the added subjective opinions that are likely to be expected with a question like that.

Factors to consider: Cost, The quipment you have now and whether it can be upgraded vs buying a brand new platform mb+memory+ cooling +power requirements, the use case scenarios (especially if its not only for simming) among other things.

By no means i intend to be rude so dont take it that way but coming here and simply asking for the best processor for flightsim is inviting a lot of subjective opinions from people who purchased their own systems for their own specific use case. or at worse purchased something without too much knowledge and simply jump on the wagon of what they bought to justify their purchase.

Also considering that you already seem to know how to Delid an IHS you also know where to go and get the research done.

Apparently de-lidding an 11900k isn’t easy.

Look into some recent reviews of the 11900K, and you’ll see it referred to as ‘a waste of sand’. So do some research :slight_smile:

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Overall I don’t think you’d see a noticeable difference between the 11900k and the 5900x, so whichever you’d like.

I know about the underperforming 11900K
 But I think that was because people are expecting the chip to be significantly faster than its predecessors or competitor. Since it’s not, then people could say it’s “a waste of sand”.

But I think even a 0.1% improvement is still an improvement and worth getting it.

Besides, I don’t know why people would need to delid to do a direct cooling to the die and overclock the hell out of it. I get it for benchmarking purposes but for a regular daily use, it seems like a risky thing to do. I mean, if you have unlimited funds and the kind of person who changes flagship CPU every time it’s out then I guess it’s fine. But if you’re like me who wants to use the same CPU for the next 5+ years. I would prefer to keep everything at stock speed and not tampering with anything on the chip and just do a regular cooling with the best cooler available.

Performance at 1920x1080??? hehe, please