Best freeware/payware DEM/mesh addons?

I want to get the most detailed and the best mesh mods there is, any ideas ?
I have all orbx meshes allready

Taburet DEMs are quite good. Got Canary Islands and Balearics 5m DEMs and Italy and Hawaii 10m DEM

And there’s some freeware 5m and even 2m DEMs for parts of Austria and Switzerland at by Troglodytus and Mikeeat.

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It is any Papua new guinea DEM available?

Thanks for your reply

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any for global coverage, coming soon?

not likely …
Asobo has been doing the DEM improvements in conjunction with the world updates.
And if we’re talking addons, a world 10m DEM would be gigantic. Just did a little math on that. My Italy 10m DEM is about 12 GB. Italy has a size of about 300,000 square km. The Earth has a landmass size of roughly 149 Million square km. So that would mean you’d have to reserve yourself about 6 TB of disk space for that. Depending on you internet connection, the download could take about a day or weeks :slight_smile:

Honestly though lol. I bought an 8TB drive to manage my msfs downloads so if that was an option… I wouldn’t complain. But I also know not everyone has this. But I originally bought the drive for manual cache stuff… Too bad it doesn’t work properly.

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Orbx have some good ones for NZ, Alaska and the Himalayas.

The Himalayas one is absolutely gigantic is scope and covers a huge area into India, China and almost all of Afghanistan.

They also have a free Iceland mesh.

The way they do their meshes using the native CGL format yields much smaller file sizes and is easier on frames than the freeware meshes.

Cgl mesh is native msfs mesh format but can create problems on airports areas

Heightmaps meshes offer 100% compatibility with airports addons although need more pc resources not a problem with a good system

They also morph more as you get closer,

Orbx‘s NZ mesh is quite good. Although it‘s not the highest resolution it almost completely eliminates morphing, which I think is more important than resolution, especially when flying airliners.
I wouldn’t recommend Switzerland. Since World Update 6 the default DEM there is better than any addon can offer, payware or freeware.

you be surprise how many simmers fly off line and need mesh addon

Good point. I didn‘t consider that.