Best freighter for msfs?

Hi, I wonder what the best freighter for msfs is? I’ve heard that the captainsim 777F is not a succes, is that true?

I’m looking forward to this one!


OP-Freeware C-17 is pretty good, PMDG is rumored to be releasing a 737-700 cargo plane which would be close to if not study level. I cannot speak to the 777 referenced. I would look on and and see what is available. Not sure how any freeware plane works except the C-17, author says is work in progress and it is, but way better than it used to be. Virtavia who originally released C-17 in FSX and X-Plane 9-10-ported to 11. Made the best one, he is not quitting plane development, but is not going to build anything for MSFS. So see his website and see if anything there peaks your interest. There is a list of “so called announced aircraft for msfs” but I would not put a whole lot of faith in it. MSFS is still a moving target, and developers are not in any hurry to spend big bucks and then have to fix every update.

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The PMDG DC6A. :sunglasses:


I believe the only other airliner freighter available is the DC6A, and this bird is excelent. There’s a couple of regional props with cargo variants (nextgen embraer 110, that needs a ton of updates and improvements and the Aerosoft Twotter, a passable plane that also needs bugfixes). The DC6 is the only good and finished product right now but if you’re on Xbox it’s not available yet.

All depends how much and how far you want to carry :slight_smile:

Due for release End of March 2022

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Don’t forget the Kodiak - lots of cargo-only variants available there.

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Twin Otter!

The Twin Otter is fun - just the right amount of complexity v. automation/simplicity to be quite enjoyable to fly and be actively involved, not so much that you need a week of ground school before your first takeoff.

I came up with the same doubt a long time after this post. Today I have B738 from PMDG, but I need something larger and high quality. The old FSX MD11 from PMDG was great. I’ve heard PMDG won´t release the 777F, AN225 is too big and too old.

You have the inibuilds A300 cargo which is still in operation. It needs a good system because it is a resource hog but if you have a good machine it is ok.
Larger you will have to wait for the 747-800F mod that I think will see the light soon.


There is zero information as to which 777 variants they are doing, but I will say that the first tablet preview images released by RSR in an update last fall showed the aircraft type as 777F. Make of that what you will.

Anyone had heard anything about airbus P2F versions? I would love FBW put their hands over a A320/321 P2F, but they have made it clear that they are not interested. And about Fenix, some time ago I only heard wishes from some users.

Any recent news on this subject?

C-160 Transall. Pretty much 737/DC-6 or the 747 mod other than that, for sizeable aircraft?

At PMDG Discord someone said it would be a copy of the P3D version. But if there is any hint of the 777F version comming out I would certainly buy it.

I ended up getting the A300-600 from iniBuilds. Looks like a nice plane, but I’m just starting to learn.

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First off, the “PMDG Discord” isn’t official - just another place for people to chat.

Second off, this was among the images shown in Robert Randazzo’s post on the PMDG forums introducing the tablet. Note the aircraft type:

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It is a nice plane and it is still in operation as a freighter.
Besides Fedex or DHL you can fly some other exotic cargo operators like Aero Union and the elusive San Marino Air Transport that operates exactly one A300-600F.

The A300 is fun to fly and is never an easy plane to land, it has the same challenges as the MD11 when full it is usually very heavy and you have to flare it like a 747 and when empty it is a rocket that won’t land.

I also enjoy cargo operations!

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I’ve been anxiously awaiting Bluebird’s 757. It will be my first tubeliner (not counting the Fokker D28, which my system is not capable enough to fly without major performance loss.) I pray I don’t have the same trouble with the 757…

Bluebird said this:

As for the freighter variant, we plan to offer it as an expansion pack. This pack will include specialized models and systems tailored specifically for the freighter variant. Moreover, we intend to introduce system enhancements that will be provided free of charge to our base package customers, benefiting both the passenger and freighter variants.

Lots of Cargo opportunities with this bird

Also available via MSFS Marketplace