Best plane to fly into hurricane Ida?

I’ve been reading how the Hurricane Hunters fly in and want to try it.

Do we have a plane capable of flying into the storm?

Seems like everything available to us at this time would probably break up.

Definitely the Long EZ (just kidding)

With the way hurricanes are currently modeled I feel anything on the quicker end on GA would be up for it (TBM, King Air). The gulfstream Iv is used by the hurricane hunters - a fairly similar but larger cousin of the cj4, but they use it to measure high altitude weather while the Orion drops bouys for water temp and measures the lower altitude weather conditions.

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Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be rough weather in the sim currently. You can fly in strong wind but you won’t notice it as the aircraft moves together with the air mass, there are no wind gusts currently that shake the plane due to a bug (hopefully it’s a bug and not intended, they haven’t acknowledged the issue yet i think). So currently it’s just smooth riding everywhere.


I use REX Weather and I can assure you, severe turbulence exists, especially around the mountains and storms. I love flying in storms.

We really need a WP-3D or WC-130.

What a bummer.


Blériot XI.
Any other choice would be cheating.


TBM works well in hurricanes in the sim and now has a decent weather radar that picks out bands and moats quite well low level.

But probably the best I’ve used is the Vertigo. Excess power available and great visibility. Can sea skim as well as climb the eye wall (if you can find it).

I will say that the broad scale stuff in hurricanes is there but the smaller scale effects (the important bits) are not there at all. But always a fun “mission”. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Check out

Plenty of Rain, and rough seas, then in the middle of the eye, above the rough seas – dead calm !! – until you fly into the side walls !!

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Just as a side note here…. It’s pretty cool that we can talk about flying into hurricane Ida even if it’s not 100% accurate… just sayin


It might not be 100% accurate, but it sure is immersive, and terrifying in a small GA plane !!!


Absolutely!!! As close as I ever want to experience one in the air! :joy:

I did it in the caravan yesterday when it was still at the SouthWest side of Cuba. Winds only made it to 48 knts with gusts to 55. Got bored before I got through to the eye. Its better then the last hurricane Henri. Now that its intensified I figured I’d give it another go…

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Wow, you’re right! That will be the fastest bleriot of all times. Engine setting won’t really matter :sweat_smile:


Yes but i’m basically able to trim the plane and fly hands off, go to the toilet and come back with the plane still in the air… There is some light turbulence because of the clouds, but there are no wind gusts because they are broken, it’s one of the questions for the upcoming Q&A. You shouldn’t be able to control a single prop plane in this storm.

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If you just want to have fun and feel the pure force of the storm use the Icon A5

If your a more serious flyer than I am use the Cessna Citation or Beechcraft Kingair so you have more thrust power but is still heavy enough

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any hardcore fish - aerobatic, fighters… all of them who take -5 +9-13g

The time lapse video from inside Ida posted by @Steeler2340 is just insanely gorgeous! Hurricane Ida - Gulf of Mexico (Flight Simulator 2020) - YouTube


Flying from SVMI to KMSY now. Just left the storm. 32 miles from NOLA. The fighter jets are a blast in it if you have access to them.

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THAT is Sooo Cool.

I gota try it.

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If you are in the eye (Blue skies above you) it can be quite calm. But fly towards the outside of that calm area, an you are tossed about like a paper airplane flushed down the toilet !!

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I would say the tbm, if you have no plane from the store, can be quite fast, and getting close to the center skiw enough to “take a look”.

This was two weeks ago.

But, i must admit, i expected the trip to be a bit more, turbulend, not that the plane was not making sounds which shouldn’t worry you. But, still good fun though!