Best settings for 3070ti VR?

Hello I am brand new to MSFS just downloaded it and want to try it in PCVR using my oculus quest 2. Any good tips with 3070ti settings for performance?

Thanks to all!


I’m using almost all medium settings. Getting near 45 fps with my Reverb G2 using these settings for the 3070ti: (I know the title says Quest 3, but I’m using the G2 & 3070TI combo)

Ah ok sounds good thanks friend I will check it out. I have heard this openxr toolkit can help boost performance also.

I also saw in his video he says you can use airlink or virtual desktop any thoughts about which might be better?

AirLink of Course !

Something is really wrong. I just tried to run microsoft flight simulator in airlink, and it completely crashed my entire oculus but then tried virtual desktop and runs good what on earth is going on?