This has probably been discussed but forgive if I haven’t spent the time to search old posts…
I want to know opinions on the best plane (not Helicoptor!) for sightseeing. In other words, the best unobstructed forward and side views while flying- to enjoy the wondeful FS2020 scenery. HOWEVER, I would also like it to be at a least a lttle more complex than a trike LOL. I would like an autopilot, even a simple one. (I also like the amphibean option but if I can’t have the best view that I mentioned earlier, I can live without water landings.)
I would like both Freeware and Payware suggestions.
Thanks in advance!
In 2020, my all time favorite for sightseeing is the Carenado C337H Skymaster. The Velocity XL is a newer/faster option with great side visibility. And the MU-2, also a faster option, has great visibility to the side, but is an overall buggy model that lots of folks love to hate (OTOH it’s cheap and fun for what it is). The Skymaster is my first and only choice for scoping out new scenery or parts of the world in 2020 (and in 24 for a while before I stopped flying DLC in SU1 beta). Cheers!
Best default is the DA40 I’d say, great visibility from the cockpit and has all you could want systems wise, best used with the DA40-NGX Improvement Mod by Mr Tommy though. I also like Just Flight’s PA-38 Tomahawk which again gives a great view all round. This payware aeroplane is excellent all round and is very enjoyable to fly.
I know I’m off on the request because of the lack of autopilot, but if the “sightseeing” part is important, I can’t go without recommending the Optica, either by Orbx or by Got Friends (Marketplace only, i think).
It’s a plane litteraly made for sightseeing, it flies very stable, have the best view you’ll ever have in a plane.
Kodiak 100. High wing, comes in wheeled and amphib versions, G1000 suite which can be as simple or sophisticated as you like, turbo prop performance so not a slug either…
Anything with a bubble canopy - so that would be in order of viewing angles - FSReborn Sting S4 and Got-Friends Vertigo.
One’s a Rotax and you have to manage MP and Prop, the other is a Turboprop. There’s just enough complexity (especially if you choose the +GTN750 liveries in both types) to keep you engaged. Both have a fully coupled GFC panel.
Double Ender (by Got Friends - great view and a lot of fun to throw around with enough complexity and some really cool unique features).
LongEZ (by IndiaFoxtEcho - no wings in the way at all and it’s really fast if you want it to be - relatively speaking).
Stream TL (by LightSim - tandem seating so has a good equal view left and right).
Piaggio P.149D (by AT Simulations - a bit more enclosed but glass canopy roof and very able to do aerobatics so you can get an “interesting” view of things, and it’s just a lot of fun to fly and so awesome lol)
Nardi FN-333 Riviera (by Mario Noriega - great view, a little quirky and amphibian!).
Piper J3 Cub (by Classic Aircraft Simulations - not the best forward view but open the door and cruise at 60 all day long).
Bulldog Autogyro (by Rara Avis - no wings, can travel slow or pretty fast and it’s got a nice beefy radial. What’s not to love! Special!).
I really like Got Friends’ Wilga for sight seeing, primarily because you can remove the doors. Combined with overhead wings and STOL ability - hard to beat as a sight seeing plane! The fact that it’s an amazingly well modeled plane just butters the bread!
Really any high wing tandem taildragger(Husky/CubNX/CAS Cub/Decathalon/etc). Same field of view out of either side vs a side-by-side arrangement. The Solo or Drifter or really any ultralights of course, as well as the Icon. There’s a bunch. Then there’s ‘full environmental’ sight seeing(including wanting to see the aircraft with the sights) stuff like the Double Ender, Optica, WACO or STA. Or even helicopters of course.
Usually sub divided by how much time/distance I want to cover(speed) altitudes these sights are at, and if I want to land during the session and what if any resources would I be looking for should I wish to do so. Plop in a lake/river, explore an international airport, check out remote actual landing strips, or just squeeze between bushes on a hill and set up camp.
Best part of 2020 is there’s too much of everything The C24’s ‘big forehead’ does work out for getting a good view(and you don’t really get anywhere fast regardless). Any RAV is good too.
For sightseeing, you want something with a high wing to avoid blocking your view of the ground. Any of the stock piston Cessnas will fit that requirement, but there are better choices. Low wing planes like the Diamonds offer great visibility of the sky, but not so much the ground.
The Edgley Optica from Got Friends is one of the best observation planes you can get. Many real-world users buy them for that exact purpose. The cockpit has the visibility of a helicopter and the max speed is less than 100KIAS. It’s not high-winged, but with the wing set back from the cockpit, you still have completely unobstructed vision, especially on the left side.
For stock planes, I recommend the Xcub. It’s high-wing for downward visibility, and since it’s tandem, you get equal views on both sides. You also get the bonus of a full glass panel with autopilot.
I don’t see that anyone has mentioned the OV-10 Bronco yet. Fantastic visibility to both sides and down; the plane was literally designed around that. Not as good forward though. There is a freeware version from aliebaba on FS2, or a payware one from Azurpoly. The payware version has a simplistic autopilot available in its EFB. Not recommended if you want to go slow though; it has nasty stall habits low and slow.
What about the OV-10 Bronco. You will have a very good View. A very strong and powerful plane. And a awesome Tablet in the Cockpit with a great map and many options. Incredible aircraft.