Best Turboprop simulation?

What aircraft in the sim comes with the best Turboprop simulation? Would be interesting to hear your opinions on that.

Personal Comments and Observations

FSReborn 500.


I donā€™t have much experience with various planes but I do like the Kodiak 100.


I donā€™t have it myself but from what Iā€™ve seen in videos the FSReborn airplane has the only simulation that comes really close to a real turboprop simulation. But it doesnā€™t have a manual propeller adjustment anymore, soā€¦ the charme of flying a TP is gone a bitā€¦

TBM930 is perfect :wink:


I love my FSR500.

For STOL, the Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter has a wonderful engine simulation. But itā€™s slow as dirtā€¦ :smile:


Thatā€™s really not the case. The engine simulation has nothing to do with how a turboprop in general and the PT-6 in particular behaves. Temperature, torque behaviour, itā€™s far from what youā€™d see in the real plane. The simple single throttle configuration hides it a bit but since the topic was ā€œbest TP simulationā€ the TBM930 is really far from ā€œperfectā€.


FSReborn 500 no doubt

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Always a negative dissenting comment in the forums. That donā€™t stop me from having fun. But I do like the Twotter,


PC-6: I assume you mean Blackbird, not Asobo?

What about beta range functionality?

And, how do you control beta range?

That depends on the aircraft and how it has been coded. The following all have fully functional beta range that can be controlled with a normal axis:

  • SWS Kodiak
  • FSR500
  • BB PC-6
  • SWS PC-12

As I understand it the BS TBM850 has a beta range in ā€˜stepsā€™ (but I may be wrong as Iā€™ve not flown it yet)

Ok, thank you all, I think I will give the Kodiak or the PC-6 a try (I like bush flying in analog cockpits).

Then you want the PC-6. Its an awesome aircraft for STOL flying with loads of character. The Got Friends PLZ-104 Wilga is great too - but a piston, not a turbine.

The Kodiak rules - but only comes with G1000 glass - no steam version IRL.

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Yes, itā€™s the PC-6 then.

What about the BS C208?

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Could be goodā€¦never tried it though. I have the BS King Air and never quite got on with it hence my reticence.

I heard good things about the Shorts 360, anybody have an opinion on the turboprop simulation there?

Blacksquare TBM 850.

And then, thereā€™s the ATR and the Transall.

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The FSR500 is the best at the moment in my opinion.

Next would be the BS TBM850 or Kodiak 100.

I havenā€™t tried the SWS PC-12 yet but Iā€™ve tried just about everything else.