Best way to interface Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo with MSFS?

I tackled that issue with the purchase of OCTAVI IFR-1
No more keeping “your head in a fixed position” when manipulating those rotary knobs with the mouse :grinning::ok_hand:
One straight forward piece of hardware :+1:

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Are these tutorial videos still the best way to configure the Bravo controls (years later)? Or is everyone using 3rd party software?

I took a hiatus from simming to fly and just did a clean install, trying to get things configured properly.

I use and it is really nice configuring different hardware and different planes. The interface is ok and not overwhelming the user. There are profiles and snippets for most stock and 3d party planes available via the online community, some might need some small modifications to work as you prefer.
Also check out this thread!

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I have Spad.Next. It detected my Bravo Quadrant, but was blank and not configured. I saw a video from the Spad.Next guru regarding the Bravo Quadrant, and it was from 2022. I am looking for a profile for the FSW Lear 35. It is configured for SpeedBrake 4 Engine,etc. In the video he is working with a General Aviation AC and deactivating and activating the number of engines. Anybody have an idea on how to get started? I just need simple cookbook steps on what is needed. If I could just load a profile, and be done. If Spad.Next had a repository where you could pay a nominal fee and just download the AC profile and the developer would get a percentage I think the quality would go through the roof. In FSX, I used to love to tinker. Now I want to fly. Just learning Sim Brief, NaviGraph and the ATC third party is a hand full, as well as getting the hardware configured.

It tools me hours to get my GoFlight LGT and P8 to work. I could never get the gear lights to work properly with the right color, etc. Go Flight did an excellent job on the setup utility!
